July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024

The faculty of the University at Albany Libraries made the following presentations at professional conferences, seminars and workshops during FY23-24:

Abigail Adams
Subject Librarian for Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, Cybersecurity, Informatics, and Criminal Justice

Adams, Abigail. “Disinformation Mitigation: Evidence-Based Practices for Instruction.” Lightning talk delivered at the ENYACRL Spring 2024 Conference, Binghamton, NY, May 23, 2024.  

Adams, Abigail. “Werewolf on Campus: Teaching Students to Recognize Mis & Disinformation Outside the Academic Context.” Presentation for the SUNY Digital Learning Conference, online, April 18, 2024.  

Adams, Abigail. “Werewolf on Campus: Gamification and Misinformation.” Presentation at NYLA 2023 Conference, Saratoga Springs, November 3, 2023.

Adams, Abigail. “Werewolf on Campus: Gamification and Role Play in Teaching Information Literacy.” Presentation at SUNY Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT), Oswego, May 25, 2023.

Adams, Abigail. “Werewolf on Campus: Gamified, One-Shot Information Literacy.” Poster session at ENYACRL Annual Conference, Oneonta, May 18, 2023.

Jesús Alonso-Regalado
Subject Librarian for History, Latin American Studies, and Romance Languages

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. “A Day in the Life of a Subject Librarian.” Simmons University. October 20, 2023.

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús, and Alejandra Bronfman. "Curating a Museum Exhibit Together: Latin American and Caribbean Artist and Artisan Books at UAlbany." Latin American Studies Association (LASA) conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 27, 2023.

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús, et al. "LACLI: Una iniciativa internacional colectiva de recursos gratuitos en línea con contenido completo de América Latina, el Caribe, latinos de EE.UU. y la Península Ibérica." SALALM Annual Meeting, Washington DC, June 7, 2023.

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. “Collection Development:  Practical Approaches and Experiences.” Presentation delivered at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, February 20-21, 2024.  

Jodi Boyle
Interim Head of Special Collections, Archives, Preservation

Boyle, Jodi, Maureen Cresci Callahan, Jenny Gotwals, and Elizabeth Novara. “Documenting the History of the Equal Rights Amendment at 100.” Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference Fall Meeting, Saratoga Springs, NY, October 20, 2023.

Yu-Hui Chen
Subject Librarian for Education and East Asian Studies

Chen, Yu-Hui. “Academic Library Websites: User Experience.” Presentation for Computers in Libraries 2024 Annual Conference, Crystal City, VA, March 14, 2024.

Kathleen Flynn
Subject Librarian for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Statistics, and Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences

Flynn, Kathleen H., Mona Ramonetti, and David Schuster. “Mapping the Way Forward: Early Discoveries in Data Services Exploration.” Panel Presentation at the ENYACRL Spring 2024 Conference, Binghamton, NY, May 23, 2024.  

Flynn, Kathleen H., Elizabeth A. Brown, Amanda McCormick, and Clara Y. Tran. “The Use of Preprints in Doctorate Programs: A Citation Analysis Study of Trends in Chemistry and Physics Dissertations”. Presentation ACRL Science & Technology Section Research Forum, Virtual, June 2023.

Angela Hackstadt
Head of Collection Development and Strategy

Hackstadt, Angela & Abigail Adams. “Werewolves at the Door: Disinformation Mitigation Theory and Practice.” Presentation, University Libraries Expert Workshop, Online, September 27, 2023.

Carey Hatch
Dean of University Libraries

Hatch, Carey, Tyler Norton, & Kabel Stanwicks. “Our Libraries, Our Future, Our Journey.” Presentation at NYLA 2023 Conference, Saratoga Springs, November 3, 2023.

Ann Kearney
Coordinator of Preservation Services

Kearney, Ann. “Pamphlet Binding for Zines.” Presentation for the University at Albany English Department, Albany, NY, April 1, 2024.  

Kearney, Ann. “Setting up an In-House Book Repair Program.” Presentation for the Capital Area Library Assistants, Albany, New York, April 29, 2024.  

Kearney, Ann. “Building Better Models: Responding to Community Needs for Preserving Cultural Heritage Materials.” Panel moderator for American Library Association’s Preservation Week, May 2, 2024.

Deborah LaFond
Subject Librarian for Africana Studies, Educational Psychology and Counseling, Psychology, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies

LaFond, Deborah. “Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), Title VI, Title IX: Legislation after Dobbs - Evaluating Advocacy and ‘Support for Women’ Claims by Lawyers, Courts, and Women’s Organization." Poster presentation at the Capital District Feminist Studies Consortium Conference, University at Albany, March 8, 2024.  

LaFond, Deborah and Jason Schultz. "Toward Epistemic Equity in Knowledge Production, Publishing and Information Access in the Global South and Beyond: Models, Platforms, Collaborations and Reflections." Presented at the African Studies Association Conference.

Rebecca Mugridge
Distinguished Librarian

Mugridge, Rebecca L. and Janetta Waterhouse. “Benchmarking IT Services in Academic Libraries.” Presentation at the New York Library Association Annual Conference, November 2, 2023, Saratoga Springs, NY.

Gabriel Ross
Resource Sharing & Reserves Evening Associate

Ross, Gabriel. "Trans Rights to Read!: Assessing Transgender Subject Material Collections in SUNY Academic Libraries." Presentation at 2023 SUNY Oneonta PRISM Conference, Oneonta, NY, October 21, 2023.

Priscilla Seaman
Subject Librarian for Anthropology, Geography & Planning, & Communication

Seaman, Priscilla, Cowden Chapel, and Lu Gao. “Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Library Instruction.” Invited presentation for the LIS Pedagogy Chat, online, April 5, 2024.  

Seaman, Priscilla and Kaori Otera Chen. “Building Bridges: Student Perceptions of Subject-Specific Library Resources.” Poster presented at the Central New York Library Resources Council (CLRC) Annual Conference, Oneida, NY, October 2023.

Mark Wolfe
Curator of Digital Collections

Wolfe, Mark.  “Selecting Tools and Software for Digital Preservation." Presentation for the Preservation Interest Group at Capital District Library Council, Albany, NY, February 27, 2024.

Gregory Wiedeman
University Archivist

Wiedeman, Gregory and Amanda Greenwood. "Unsustainability and Retrenchment in American University Web Archives Programs" (International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) 2023, Hilversum, Netherlands, May 12, 2023).

Wiedeman, Gregory. "Preserving Websites" (Capital District Library Council Webinar (remote), November 14, 2023).

Previous Years

July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023

The faculty of the University at Albany Libraries made the following presentations at professional conferences, seminars and workshops during FY22-23:

Abigail Adams
Subject Librarian for Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, Cybersecurity, Informatics, and Criminal Justice

Adams, Abigail. “Werewolf on Campus: Gamification and Role Play in Teaching Information Literacy.” Presentation for the SUNY Conference on Instruction and Technology, Oswego, NY, May 25, 2023.

Adams, Abigail & Hackstadt, Angela. "Library Services and Government (Dis)Information." Presentation at the New York Library Association Annual Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY, November 3, 2022.

Jodi Boyle
Interim Head of Special Collections, Archives, Preservation

Boyle, Jodi, “A Big Deal: One Archive Shifts to an Online Payment Model.” Poster presented at the New York Archives Conference Annual Meeting, virtual, June 2022.

Boyle, Jodi and Charlene Martoni, “So You Want to Talk About Race During a Pandemic? Constructive Dialogue During Trying Times.” Poster presented at the International Association of University Libraries Conference, virtual, June 2022.

Camille Chesley
Head of Reference and Research Services Department

Anantachai, Tarida, Camille Chesley, and Jamia Williams. “Presumed Competent: Forging a Path to Care and Equity in the Tenure and Promotion Process.” Presentation for the Association of College and Research Libraries Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, March 16, 2023.

Chesley, Camille and Jane Kessler, “Who Gets Promoted?: An Examination of SUNY Ranks by Gender” Panel presented at the State University of NY Librarians Association Annual Conference, virtual, June 2022.

Kathleen Flynn
Subject Librarian for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Statistics, and Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences

Flynn, Kathleen H. and Emily E. Kilcer. “A Research Data Services FAIRytale.” Poster presentation for the ENY/ACRL Conference, Oneonta, New York, May 18, 2023.

Flynn, Kathleen H, Elizabeth A. Brown, Amanda McCormick, and Clara Y. Tran. “Trends Analysis of Citations in Chemistry PhD Dissertations at the SUNY University Centers.” Paper presented at the American Chemical Society Fall 2022 Meeting, virtual, August 2022.

Angela Hackstadt
Head of Collection Development and Strategy

Hackstadt, Angela. “Forging the future: Connecting research to community.” Lightning talk for the Association of College and Research Libraries Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, March 16, 2023.

Hackstadt, Angela, "Beyond the Academy: Readership and Impact of a White Paper Collection." Poster presented at Eastern New York Association of College and Research Libraries Conference, Syracuse, NY, May 2022. https://scholarsarchive.library.albany.edu/ulib_fac_scholar/181

Hackstadt, Angela, "Beyond the Academy: Connecting Research and Policy." Poster presented at the American Library Association Annual Conference, virtual, June 2022. https://scholarsarchive.library.albany.edu/ulib_fac_scholar/182

Emily Kilcer
Scholarly Communication Librarian

Kilcer, Emily, and Lindsay Van Berkom, "Design Thinking Repository Services: Lessons Learned from UAlbany’s COVID-19 and Minority Health Disparities in NYS Collection and Scholars Archive." Presentation at The 17th International Conference on Open Repositories, Denver, CO, June, 2022. https://scholarsarchive.library.albany.edu/ulib_fac_scholar/183 

Deborah LaFond
Subject Librarian for Africana Studies, Educational Psychology and Counseling, Psychology, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies

LaFond, Deborah M. "Reflections on Supporting Intersectional Forensic Social Work Mitigation and Advocacy: Research Pathways." Poster presentation for the Capital District Feminist Conference, Albany New York, February 2023.  

LaFond, Deborah M. “"Bibliodiversity and Open Access for the Global South: Has "Open Access" Diversified the Knowledge Ecosystem?" Presentation for the University at Albany Libraries, Albany, New York, December 8, 2022.  

LaFond, Deborah M. “Considering Decoloniality: Library Communities of Practice, Positionality, Protocols, Pedagogy -- Advocacy?" Presentation for the Africana Librarians Council at the African Studies Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 18, 2022.  

Amanda Lowe
Outreach and Marketing Librarian

Lowe, Amanda & Rhodes, Sarah. “Social Media and Libraries: A Panel Discussion.” Presentation at The Western New York Library Council Intersect Unconference 2022: Libraries as Evolving Organisms, Buffalo, NY, October 7, 2022.

Lowe, Amanda M. “Cracking the secrets of video marketing.” Presented at the SUNYLA Annual Conference, June 2022.  

Lowe, Amanda M. “So you want to make a podcast?” Presented at the SUNYLA Annual Conference, June 2022.  

Lowe, Amanda M., Jocelyn Ireland, and Mechele Romanchock “Resume and cover letter workshop.” Presented at the SUNYLA Annual Conference, June 2022.  

Lowe, Amanda M. “Building a library ambassador program.” Presentation delivered to the South Kansas Central Library System (virtually), August 2022.  

Alyssa Panetta
Senior Programmer Analyst

Panetta, Alyssa. “Living the UX: When a Web Developer develops a disability.” Presentation at DrupalCon 2022, Portland, OR, April 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfNdSfe3THg  

Lauren Puzier
User Experience Librarian

Nous, Rebecca and Lauren Puzier. “System Statuses in Discovery.” Paper presented at the Annual Convention of Electronic Resources & Libraries, virtual, March 2022.

Puzier, Lauren and Nous, Rebecca. “From Stacks to Screens: Creating a Virtual Browsing Experience.” Presentation for the ENY/ACRL Conference, Oneonta, New York, May 18, 2023.

Friedman, Rebecca, Kate Joranson, Gabrille Karl-Johnson, Lauren M. Puzier & Alice Whiteside. “Visioning the (im)possible: experiences of librarian-caregivers during the pandemic and strategies for the future of library work.” Panel presentation at the 50th Annual Conference of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA), Chicago, IL, United States, April 2022.

Kabel Stanwicks
Associate University Librarian for Collections and Discovery

Stanwicks, Kabel Nathan and Hemalata Iyer. “Finding Harmony: Social Tags and Name Authority Records in the Popular Music Domain.” Paper presented for the Association for Information Science & Technology 2023 Mid-Year Conference, April 12, 2023.

Stanwicks, Kabel. “Got Strategy? Collaborative & Inclusive Departmental Strategic Planning.” Presentation for Spotlight on SUNY Libraries, Online, December 7, 2022.

Stanwicks, Kabel. “Leveraging AI and User-Generated Description to Enhance Library Cataloging, Search, and Discovery.” Lightning Round presented at UAlbany Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Albany, NY, November 21, 2022.

Gregory Wiedeman
University Archivist

Wiedeman, Gregory, Max Eckard, and Jessica Webster, “Technology Strategy for Archives Launch Meeting” Facilitated Meeting at Digital Library Federation (DLF) Forum, Baltimore, MD, October 11, 2022.

Wiedeman, Gregory, “Hands-On Email Preservation with Mailbag,” Workshop at National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) Digital Preservation 2022, Baltimore, MD, October 12, 2022.

July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022

The faculty of the University at Albany Libraries made the following presentations at professional conferences, seminars and workshops during FY21-22:

Abigail Adams
Subject Librarian for Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, Cybersecurity, Informatics, and Criminal Justice

Adams, Abigail. “Fictional Worldbuilding and Real World Misinformation.” Presented at the ENY/ACRL Conference, May 2022.  

Adams, Abigail and Angela N. Hackstadt. “Distrust in Institutions: Reference and Library Instruction During an Infodemic.” Presentation for the SUNY Librarians Association Virtual Conference, June 2021.

Adams, Abigail and Angela N. Hackstadt. “Distrust in Institutions: Reference and Library Instruction During an Infodemic.” Presentation delivered at the 22nd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, June 2021.

Adams, Abigail and Angela N. Hackstadt. “Distrust in Institutions: Reference and Library Instruction in an Infodemic.” Presentation for the 2021 ENY/ACRL Conference: Vision for the Future, May 2021.

Jesús Alonso-Regalado
Subject Librarian for History, Latin American Studies, and Romance Languages

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús, Davis Erin Anderson, Daisy Dominguez, Emily Dowie, Miranda Mims, and Peyton Powell. “Leading in LIS.” Panel presentation for SLA-NY virtual conference, March 2022.      

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. “Bibliotecas académicas ante un Océano de Streaming Videos: Estrategias para Facilitar este Universo Líquido como Apoyo al Aprendizaje, Enseñanza e Investigación de Nuestras Comunidades Universitarias.” Virtual lecture delivered at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, May 2022.  

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús and Caryl Ward. “Expanding Collections with Limited Funds: A SUNY-wide, Subject-Specific Collection Development Initiative.” Presentation for the SUNY Librarians Association Virtual Conference, June 2021.

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús and Paloma Celis Carvajal. “LACLI: Indexing free online resources for Latin American, Caribbean, U.S. Latinx, and Iberian studies.” Presentation for NYPL Staff Talks, May 2021.

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús and Caryl Ward. "Collaborative Collection Development on a Shoestring.” Presentation delivered at NYLA Virtual Conference, October 2021.

Angela Hackstadt
Head of Collection Development and Strategy

Hackstadt, Angela. “Beyond the Academy: Readership and Impact of a White Paper Collection.” Poster presented at the ENY/ACRL Conference, May 2022.

Hackstadt, Angela N. “Content Analysis: A Research Method You Can Count On (Or Not).” Presentation for the 2021 ENY/ACRL Conference: Vision for the Future, May 2021.

Trudi Jacobson
Distinguished Librarian

Jacobson, Trudi E. and Jackson Gray. “Information Has Value: Engaging Students as Wikipedia Editors.” Presentation delivered at WikiConference North America, October 2021.

Jacobson, Trudi E. and Thomas P. Mackey. “Teaching with Metaliteracy: Developing Informed, Reflective, and Participatory Citizens.” Presentation for the European Conference on Information Literacy, September 2021.

Jacobson, Trudi E. and Thomas P. Mackey. “Embedding Metaliteracy in Learning Design to Advance Metacognitive Thinking: From OER to MOOCs.” Presentation for the European Conference on Information Literacy, September 2021.

Amanda Lowe
Outreach and Marketing Librarian

Lowe, Amanda M. “Building a Library Ambassadors Program.” Presentation for the SUNY Librarians Association Virtual Conference, June 2021.

Lowe, Amanda M., Megan Benson, Fatoma Rad, Sarah Rodes, and Allesandra Otero-Ramos. “Making new friends: How to achieve better outreach for your library.” Presentation for the SUNY Librarians Association Virtual Conference, June 2021.

Benson, M., Carrie Fisher, Amanda M. Lowe, Alessandra Otero-Ramos, Fatoma Rad, and Sarah Rhodes. “Burnout and Crisis Management: How to Stay Fresh with Your Library's Social Media.” Presentation for the WNYLRC Intersect Unconference, October 2021.

Lewey, Tanner, Amanda M. Lowe, Haley Lott, Ngina wa Kaai, Regina Vitolo, and Emily Bradshaw. “Librarians’ Declassified Social Media Survival Guide.” Presentation delivered at the Library Marketing and Communications Conference 2021 Virtual Conference, November 2021.  

Lowe, Amanda M. “Engaging your community with Instagram #libraries.” Webinar presented for NYLA, September 2021.  

Lowe, Amanda M. “Building an ambassadors program.” Presentation delivered at the Library Marketing and Communications Conference 2021 Virtual Conference, November 2021.

Lowe, Amanda M. “Social media 101.” Webinar presented for Cayuga Onondaga BOCES School Libraires System, November 2021.

Rebecca Mugridge
Dean of University Libraries

Mugridge, Rebecca. “Telling the Technical Services Story: Communicating Value.” Presentation for the Sharjah International Library Conference, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, November 2021.

Priscilla Seaman
Subject Librarian for Anthropology, Geography & Planning, & Communication

Cowden, Chapel, Lu Gao, and Priscilla Seaman. “Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Building Cultural Competence Through Critical Self-Reflection.” Virtual presentation for the Rutgers-New Brunswick Library Faculty Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Retreat, January 2022.

Lauren Puzier
User Experience Librarian

Cofield, Jill, Carol Anne Germain, Lauren Puzier, and Emily Kilcer. “How Libraries Make Your Data Management as Easy as Pie.” Presentation for The CLRC 2021 Annual Conference, October 2021.

Janetta Waterhouse
Director of Technical Services and Library Systems

Waterhouse, Janetta L. “Customizing and Integrating Alma.” Presentation for the Ex Libris Northeast User Group, October 2021.

Waterhouse, Janetta L. “Optimizing E-Resource Management with Process Improvement, Progress Management, and Problem Solving Techniques.” Presentation delivered for Electronic Resources and Libraries Workshop, November 2021.  

Gregory Wiedeman
University Archivist

Wiedeman, Gregory. “Preserving Email in Multiple Formats: An Overview of the Mailbag Project.” Webinar presented for Council of State Archivists’ State Electronic Records Initiative, September 2021.  

Wiedeman, Gregory and Amanda Greenwood. “Web Archives and Maintenance Inflation.” Presented at the Archive-It Partner Meeting, September 2021.

Wiedeman, Gregory. “Functional Specifications for Mailbag and DigiPress.” Presentation delivered at BitCurator Users Forum, October 2021.  

Wiedeman, Gregory. “Mailbag: A Stable Package for Email in Multiple Formats.” Presentation for the 17th International Conference on Digital Preservation, October 2021.

Wiedeman, Gregory and Mark Wolfe. “The Mailbag Project and Building Digital Preservation Tools Around Filesystems.” Delivered at the Coalition for Networked Information Fall Meeting, December 2021.

Wiedeman, Gregory. “Mailbag Project: Email Archives: Building Capacity and Community.” Presentation for the Society of American Archivists (SAA) 2021 Annual Meeting, July 2021.

Wiedeman, Gregory. “Contribute to DACS using Github.” Delivered to the SAA Technical Subcommittee on Describing Archives: A Content Standard (TS-DACS) Business Meeting, July 2021.  

Wiedeman, Gregory. “Systems for Digital Archives.” Presentation for Milli Sessions 2021 International Archives Week (India), June 2021.

Wiedeman, Gregory. “Mailbag: A Stable Package for Email in Multiple Formats.” Presented at Best Practices Exchange 2021, May 2021.  

Wiedeman, Gregory and Mark Wolfe. "Mailbag Specification." Presented to the Mailbag Specification Working Meeting, May 2021.

Wiedeman, Gregory. “Mailbag: A Stable Package for Email in Multiple Formats.” Delivered to the National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) Content Interest Group, May 2020.

July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021

The faculty of the University at Albany Libraries made the following presentations at professional conferences, seminars and workshops during FY20–21:

Adams, Abby
Subject Librarian for Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, Cybersecurity, and Criminal Justice

  • Adams, Abigail and Angela N. Hackstadt. "Distrust in Institutions: Reference and Library Instruction During an Infodemic." Presentation for the SUNY Librarians Association Virtual Conference, June 2021.
  • Adams, Abigail and Angela N. Hackstadt. "Distrust in Institutions: Reference and Library Instruction During an Infodemic." Presentation delivered at the 22nd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, June 2021. 
  • Adams, Abigail and Angela N. Hackstadt. "Distrust in Institutions: Reference and Library Instruction in an Infodemic." Presentation for the 2021 ENY/ACRL Conference: Vision for the Future, May 2021.
  • Adams, Abigail. "Using Google Scholar Effectively." Presentation delivered for the University at Albany Libraries, March 2021.
  • Adams, Abigail and Angela N. Hackstadt. "Conspiracy Thinking: The Widespread Harm of Covid-19 Disinformation." Invited presentation for the SUNY Albany COVID Minority Health Disparities Study Group, February 2021. 

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús
Subject Librarian for History, Latin American Studies, and Romance Languages

  • Alonso-Regalado, Jesús and Caryl Ward. "Expanding Collections with Limited Funds: A SUNY-wide, Subject-Specific Collection Development Initiative." Presentation for the SUNY Librarians Association Virtual Conference, June 2021.
  • Alonso-Regalado, Jesús and Paloma Celis Carvajal. "LACLI: Indexing free online resources for Latin American, Caribbean, U.S. Latinx, and Iberian studies." Presentation for NYPL Staff Talks, May 2021. 
  • Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. "People as Sources of Information and Research Support in a Diverse Cultural and Multilingual Context." Presentation delivered at ACRL Virtual Conference, April 2021.
  • Alonso-Regalado, Jesús and Flora Lindsay-Herrera. “Launching LACLI: Project of open access resources for Latin American, Caribbean, U.S. Latinx, and Iberian studies.” Presentation delivered at Bridging the Spectrum: A Symposium on Scholarship and Practice in Library and Information Science, February 2021.  
  • Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. “Supporting Research on Spanish and Latin American Cheese Studies: Collection Development and Scholars’ Needs.” Presented for the SALALM LXV Virtual Conference, October 2020. 
  • Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. "Lumen Circles Fellowships: Adventures in Effective Teaching." Invited presentation for Lumen Circles, May 2021. 
  • Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. “The Human Factor in a Sustainable Information Literary Program in Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino Studies.” Presented for the IV Foro virtual DGBSDI-UNAM, September 2020.

Chen, Yu-Hui
Subject Librarian for Education and East Asian Studies

  • Chen, Yu-Hui and Elaine M. Lasda. "Strategies for Promotion to Full Librarian." Panel presentation delivered at the the University at Albany Libraries Promotion and Tenure for UAlbany Library Faculty Workshop, June 2021. 

Chesley, Camille E.
Reference Librarian

  • Chesley, Camille E., Tarida Anantachai, and Jamia William. "Beyond breakout rooms: Participatory engagement tools in virtual spaces." Presentation for the 2021 ENY/ACRL Conference: Vision for the Future, May 2021.
  • Chesley, Camille E., Tarida Anantachai, Ariana Santiago, and Mea Warren. "Beyond the "special edition": A survey of EDI research in library and information science journals." Panel presentation delivered at ACRL Virtual Conference, April 2021.

Germain, Carol A.
Subject Librarian for Informatics, Information Studies & Sociology

  • Williams-Hart, Tiffany, Carol A. Germain, and Shannon Mersand. "LIS and ISSL at the University at Albany." Virtual presentation for the MLIS Career Fair - Career Exploration in Librarianship and Mentoring (CEILAM) program, University of Rochester, August 2020. 
  • Germain, Carol A. "Teaching a Hybrid/Blended Course with Reduced Classroom Meetings: Panel Discussion." Invited presentation for the University at Albany ITLAL and ITS, July 2020. 
  • Puzier, Lauren M., Emily E. Kilcer, and Carol A. Germain. "Hang on to your rights (author rights!): a survey of author rights services on library websites." Presentation for the SUNY Librarians Association Virtual Conference, June 2021.
  • Kilcer, Emily E., Lauren M. Puzier, and Carol A. Germain. "Building Synergy between the Institutional Repository and Scholarly Communication." Presentation for the 2021 ENY/ACRL Conference: Vision for the Future, May 2021.

Hackstadt, Angela N.
Subject Librarian for Political Science, Public Policy, Public Administration, and Law

  • Adams, Abigail and Angela N. Hackstadt. "Distrust in Institutions: Reference and Library Instruction During an Infodemic." Presentation for the SUNY Librarians Association Virtual Conference, June 2021.
  • Adams, Abigail and Angela N. Hackstadt. "Distrust in Institutions: Reference and Library Instruction During an Infodemic." Presentation delivered at the 22nd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, June 2021. 
  • Adams, Abigail and Angela N. Hackstadt. "Distrust in Institutions: Reference and Library Instruction in an Infodemic." Presentation for the 2021 ENY/ACRL Conference: Vision for the Future, May 2021.
  • Hackstadt, Angela N. "Content Analysis: A Research Method You Can Count On (Or Not)." Presentation for the 2021 ENY/ACRL Conference: Vision for the Future, May 2021.
  • Adams, Abigail and Angela N. Hackstadt. "Conspiracy Thinking: The Widespread Harm of Covid-19 Disinformation." Invited presentation for the SUNY Albany COVID Minority Health Disparities Study Group, February 2021. 

Holden, Irina I. 
Information Literacy & Science Outreach Librarian

  • Holden, Irina I. "Reading the New York Times: COVID-19 as seen in students' discussions in the Information Literacy course." Online presentation for the SAGE Publishing Group Critical Thinking Bootcamp, August 2020.

Hosier, Allison
Information Literacy Librarian

  • Hosier, Allison. "The Annotated Bibliography as Artifact." Presentation delivered at ACRL Virtual Conference, April 2021.

Jacobson, Trudi E.
Head, Information Literacy Department

  • Jacobson, Trudi E. and Kelsey L. O'Brien. "Teaching Online Instruction Sessions: Ideas, Best Practices, and Resources." Presentation delivered at the University at Albany Libraries, July 2020.
  • Jacobson, Trudi E. "Scaffolding Student Learning: The Role of Metaliteracy in Open Pedagogy." Online presentation for CIT: Conference on Instruction and Technology, May 2021. 
  • Jacobson, Trudi E., Julian L. O'Leary, and Myles Pressil. "Enhancing Student Engagement Through Scaffolded Non-Disposable Assignments." Online presentation for SUNY Open Education Week 2021, March 2021. 
  • Jacobson, Trudi E., Kelsey L. O’Brien, and Thomas P. Mackey. “Preparing Metaliterate Learners for the College Environment with SUNY’s iSucceed College Success Course.” Presented for Learning with Innovative Technology 2020 Conference, Online, July 2020.
  • Jacobson, Trudi E. “Lumen Circles Conversation.” Panelist for SUNY Online Summit, February 2021.
  • Jacobson, Trudi E. and Thomas P. Mackey. “Metaliteracy: Engaging Students Through Assessment as Learning.” Keynote address for the 4th National Meeting of Information Competencies, University of Puerto Rico, February 2021.
  • Mackey, Thomas P. and Trudi E. Jacobson. “The Role of Metaliteracy in Designing Open Learning Initiatives.” Keynote address for Intercultural Perspectives on Information Literacy conference, University of Hildesheim Germany, January 2021.
  • Mackey, Tom, Trudi Jacobson, and Kelsey O’Brien. “Metaliterate Learners Take a Stand Against Misinformation.” Panel and presentation for Pathways in Technology Early College High School (HFM BOCES), October 2020.

Kearney, Ann
Collections Conservator

  • Kilcer, Emily E., and Ann Kearney. "Author Tools and Tips for Grad Students." Online presentation at the Graduate School Virtual Hours, University at Albany, February 2021.
  • Kiorpes, Karen E., Emily E. Kilcer, and Ann Kearney. "Authors Rights: Book Contracts." Presentation for the University at Albany Libraries, October 2020. 

Kilcer, Emily E.
Scholarly Communication Librarian

  • Kilcer, Emily E. and Lindsay Van Berkom. "Copyright + open access for undergrads: A meet-cute in the making." Online presentation for the 9th Annual Kraemer Copyright Online Conference, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, June 2021.
  • Pardo, Theresa A., Sharon Ray, Emily E. Kilcer, Sandra McGinnis, Ronald Marzitelli, and Jim Bole. "Building strategic support for Research Data Management." Community forum for the University at Albany Data Security Working Group, April 2021. 
  • Spina, Carli, Emily E. Kilcer, Jennifer Jensen, and Elvis Bakaitis. "Academic Libraries & Open Educational Resources." Webinar for ENY/ACRL, March 2021. 
  • Franchini, Billie, Matthew C. Ingram, Rebecca Mugridge, Emily E. Kilcer, and Lindsay Van Berkom. "Draft Open Access Policy and Resolution for University Senate Endorsement." Presentations for the University at Albany, March 2021. 
  • Kilcer, Emily E., and Ann Kearney. "Author Tools and Tips for Grad Students." Online presentation at the Graduate School Virtual Hours, University at Albany, February 2021.
  • Kiorpes, Karen E., Emily E. Kilcer, and Ann Kearney. "Authors Rights: Book Contracts." Presentation for the University at Albany Libraries, October 2020. 
  • Kilcer, Emily E. "Scholcomm update with Information Literacy Department." Presentation for the University at Albany Libraries, September 2020. 
  • Kilcer, Emily E. "Scholcomm update with Subject Librarians." Presentation for the University at Albany Libraries, September 2020. 
  • Puzier, Lauren M., Emily E. Kilcer, and Carol A. Germain. "Hang on to your rights (author rights!): a survey of author rights services on library websites." Presentation for the SUNY Librarians Association Virtual Conference, June 2021.
  • Kilcer, Emily E., Lauren M. Puzier, and Carol A. Germain. "Building Synergy between the Institutional Repository and Scholarly Communication." Presentation for the 2021 ENY/ACRL Conference: Vision for the Future, May 2021.
  • Kilcer, Emily E. and Sandra McGinnis. "Research Data Management and Security." Online presentation for the University at Albany Faculty Orientation, September 2020. 
  • Bordalejo, Barbara, Amanda Page, and Emily E. Kilcer. "Getting Buy-In: How to Plan Inclusive Open Access Sessions." Online presentation delivered for the FORCE11 Scholarly Communication Institute, UCLA Library, August 2020. 
  • Emily E. Kilcer, Sandra McGinnis, and Nick Schiraldi. "UAlbany's Data Services: Planning, Management, and Security." Invited online presentation for the Division of Research, University at Albany, October 2020. 
  • Emily E. Kilcer. "Research Data Management at UAlbany." Invited presentation for the New York State COVID-19 Minority Health Disparities Project Meeting, July 2020. 

Kiorpes, Karen E.
Head, Preservation Department 

  • Kiorpes, Karen E., Emily E. Kilcer, and Ann Kearney. "Authors Rights: Book Contracts." Presentation for the University at Albany Libraries, October 2020. 

Lasda, Elaine M.
Coordinator of Scholarly Communication

  • Chen, Yu-Hui and Elaine M. Lasda. "Strategies for Promotion to Full Librarian." Panel presentation delivered at the the University at Albany Libraries Promotion and Tenure for UAlbany Library Faculty Workshop, June 2021. 
  • Lasda, Elaine M. “Measuring Research Impact in Unique Settings.” Presented for the SLA Annual Conference, October 2020. 
  • Lasda, Elaine M. "The Importance of Getting an ORCID ID Number." Online presentation for the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy and Criminal Justice faculty meeting, University at Albany, September 2020. 
  • Lasda, Elaine M., Rebecca Welzenbach, Keith Maull, and Taylor Johnson. "Research Impact in Specialized Settings." Online presentation for Special Librarians Association, August 2020. 
  • Lasda, Elaine M. "Using the New Library Search." Invited presentation for the University at Albany Libraries, July 2020. 

Lowe, Amanda M. 
Marketing and Outreach Librarian

  • Lowe, Amanda M. "Building a Library Ambassadors Program." Presentation for the SUNY Librarians Association Virtual Conference, June 2021.
  • Lowe, Amanda M., Megan Benson, Fatoma Rad, Sarah Rodes, and Allesandra Otero-Ramos. "Making new friends: How to achieve better outreach for your library." Presentation for the SUNY Librarians Association Virtual Conference, June 2021.
  • Lowe, Amanda M. "Conversations from the heart, Pt 6., Skill Share." Virtual presentation for the New York Black Librarians Caucus, September 2020. 

Mugridge, Rebecca L.
Dean of University Libraries

  • Franchini, Billie, Matthew C. Ingram, Rebecca Mugridge, Emily E. Kilcer, and Lindsay Van Berkom. "Draft Open Access Policy and Resolution for University Senate Endorsement." Presentations for the University at Albany, March 2021. 

O'Brien, Kelsey L. 
Information Literacy Librarian

  • Jacobson, Trudi E. and Kelsey L. O'Brien. "Teaching Online Instruction Sessions: Ideas, Best Practices, and Resources." Presentation delivered at the University at Albany Libraries, July 2020.
  • Geisel, Noah, Justin Mason, Anne Reed, Kelsey L. O'Brien, Wendy Pothier, and Emily Rimland. "ACRL Digital Badges Interest Group AMA Panel Session." Panel presentation for the American Library Association Annual Conference, June 2021. 
  • O'Brien. Kelsey. “Engaging Students with BreakoutEDU.” Virtual poster presentation for the Lifelong Information Literacy Conference, July 2020.
  • Jacobson, Trudi E., Kelsey L. O’Brien, and Thomas P. Mackey. “Preparing Metaliterate Learners for the College Environment with SUNY’s iSucceed College Success Course.” Presented for Learning with Innovative Technology 2020 Conference, Online, July 2020.
  • Mackey, Tom, Trudi Jacobson, and Kelsey O’Brien. “Metaliterate Learners Take a Stand Against Misinformation.” Panel and presentation for Pathways in Technology Early College High School (HFM BOCES), October 2020.
  • O’Brien, Kelsey. “Thinking Outside the Box: Enhancing One-Shots with Breakout EDU.” Presented for the Special Libraries Association Education Division Webinars, August 2020.

Puzier, Lauren M.
User Experience Librarian

  • Puzier, Lauren M., Emily E. Kilcer, and Carol A. Germain. "Hang on to your rights (author rights!): a survey of author rights services on library websites." Presentation for the SUNY Librarians Association Virtual Conference, June 2021.
  • Puzier, Lauren M. "Online Check In Service: creating a consistent user experience for virtual research appointments." Presentation for the SUNY Librarians Association Virtual Conference, June 2021.
  • Kilcer, Emily E., Lauren M. Puzier, and Carol A. Germain. "Building Synergy between the Institutional Repository and Scholarly Communication." Presentation for the 2021 ENY/ACRL Conference: Vision for the Future, May 2021.
  • Puzier, Lauren M. , "On-Ground to Online: A case in rapid service design and implementation to serve patrons remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic." Online presentation for the Designing for Digital 2021 virtual conference, February 2021. 

Stanwicks, Kabel Nathan
Head, Access Services

  • Stanwicks, Kabel Nathan. "Got Strategy? Collaborative and Inclusive Departmental Strategic Planning." Presentation for the Back in Circulation Again Conference, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, October 2020. 

Van Berkom, Lindsay
Scholars Archive Administrator & Coordinator of Dewey Access Services

  • Kilcer, Emily E. and Lindsay Van Berkom. "Copyright + open access for undergrads: A meet-cute in the making." Online presentation for the 9th Annual Kraemer Copyright Online Conference, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, June 2021.
  • Franchini, Billie, Matthew C. Ingram, Rebecca Mugridge, Emily E. Kilcer, and Lindsay Van Berkom. "Draft Open Access Policy and Resolution for University Senate Endorsement." Presentations for the University at Albany, March 2021. 

Waterhouse, Janetta
Director of Technical Services and Library Systems

  • Waterhouse, Janetta. "Optimizing Electronic Resource Management with Process Improvement, Project Management, and Problem Solving Techniques." Virtual workshop for the Electronic Resources and Libraries (ER&L) Annual Conference Workshop, March 2021.
  • Waterhouse, Janetta. "Diffusion of Innovations and Electronic Resources." Virtual presentation for the Electronic Resources and Libraries (ER&L) Annual Conference Workshop, March 2021.
  • Waterhouse, Janetta. "Becoming an Effective Change Agent." Invited presentation for the Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians (OVGTSL) Annual Conference, June 2021. 

Wiedeman, Gregory
University Archivist

  • Wiedeman, Gregory. "Mailbag: A Stable Package for Email in Multiple Formats." Remote presentation for Best Practices Exchange 2021, May 2021. 
  • Wiedeman, Gregory and Mark D. Wolfe. "Mailbag Specification." Online presentation for the Mailbag Specification Working Meeting, University at Albany, May 2021. 
  • Wiedeman, Gregory. Why our records program is bad, and how I’m okay with that." Remote presentation for the Society of American Archivists 2020 Annual Meeting, July 2020. 
  • Wiedeman, Gregory. "How TS-DACS Uses Github and an Overview of the New DACS Website." Presentation for the Technical Subcommittee on Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS) Business Meeting, July 2020.
  • Wiedeman, Gregory. "Systems for Digital Archives." Invited presentation for Milli Sessions 2021 International Archives Week, June 2021. 
  • Wiedeman, Gregory. "From EAD to a Common Data Model." Invited presentation for Quo vadis, EAD? by the Society of American Archivists, June 2021. 
  • Wiedeman, Gregory. "Mailbag: A Stable Package for Email in Multiple Formats." Invited presentation for the NDSA Content Interest Group, May 2021. 

Wolfe, Mark D.
Curator of Digital Collections

  • Wiedeman, Gregory and Mark D. Wolfe. "Mailbag Specification." Online presentation for the Mailbag Specification Working Meeting, University at Albany, May 2021. 
  • Wolfe, Mark. “Preservation Interest Group: Topic A/V Collections: Preservation and Access.” Presentation delivered for the Capital District Library Council Preservation Interest Group, April 2021. 

July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020

The faculty of the University at Albany Libraries made the following presentations at professional conferences, seminars and workshops during FY19–20:

Adams, Abby
Subject Librarian for Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, Cybersecurity, and Criminal Justice

Germain, Carol A. and Abigail Adams. "CEHC Librarians." Guest presentation delivered at the CEHC Brown Bag, University at Albany, Albany, NY, October 2019. 

Adams, Abigail. "Securing Campus Intellectual Output." Presentation delivered for the Information Security Summit, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, October 2019. 

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús
Subject Librarian for History, Latin American Studies, and Romance Languages

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. "Streaming Video Resources in the Time of COVID-19." Presentation delivered for the  Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM) Instructional Services Subcommittee, April 2020. 

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. "Design and Implementation of a Sustainable Information Literacy Program in Latin American, Caribbean and U.S. Latino Studies." Lecture delivered at the National Meeting of ASCUBI (Cuban Librarians Association), La Havana, Cuba, February 2020. 

Bernnard, Deborah F. 
Director of Public Services

Bernnard, Deborah F. "Panel on applying for FRAP-B funding." Panel presentation delivered at the University at Albany Libraries, Albany, NY, February 2020.

Boyle, Jodi
Supervisory Archivist

Boyle, Jodi. "Using Primary Sources to Reach an International Student Audience." Presentation delivered at New York Archives Conference Annual Meeting, June 2020. 

Chen, Yu-Hui
Subject Librarian for Education and East Asian Studies

Chen, Yu-Hui. "Does culture influence students’ understanding of research?" Presentation delivered at American Library Association 2020 Virtual Conference, June 2020. 

Germain, Carol Anne and Yu-Hui Chen. "Taking Campus Initiatives to Heart." Presentation for the SUNY Librarians Association Virtual Conference, June 2020.

Chen, Yu-Hui. "Helping Doctoral Students Cross the Finish Line via Collaboration." Presentation for the SUNY Librarians Association Virtual Conference, June 2020.

Chesley, Camille E.
Reference Librarian

Puzier, Lauren M., Camille E. Chesley, and Amanda L. Lowe. "How Can Libraries Move Towards a More Inclusive Model of Reference? A Practical Approach to Serve Distance Students." Virtual poster for the Association of College & Research Libraries' Distance Learning Section Instruction Group, April 2020. 

Chesley, Camille E. "University Library Introduction for Accepted Transfer Students." Virtual presentation for Transfer Connections, Student Engagement, Office of Undergraduate Education, June 2020. 

Chesley, Camille E. "Panel on applying for FRAP-B funding." Panel presentation delivered at the University at Albany Libraries, Albany, NY, February 2020.

Germain, Carol A.
Subject Librarian for Informatics, Information Studies & Sociology

Germain, Carol A. and Yu-Hui Chen. "Taking Campus Initiatives to Heart." Presentation for the SUNY Librarians Association Virtual Conference, June 2020.

Germain, Carol A. "COVID-19 is a Hoax!!! Or How to Spot Fake News." Presentation for Capital Region BOCES - School Library System, May 2020. 

Germain, Carol A. "Web Usability and its evolving definition." Guest presentation delivered at the CEHC Brown Bag, University at Albany, Albany, NY, January 2020. 

Germain, Carol A., Jeff Goldstein, Carolyn Malloch, Christina J. Hess Al-Junaid. "Bridging the Gap: Preparing High School Special Needs Students for Success in College." Panel delivered at "Academic Libraries and Patrons with Special Needs," Capital District Library Council, Troy, NY, January 2020.

Germain, Carol A. "Money for College." Presentation for Mohonasen High School, Schenectady, NY, January 2020.

Germain, Carol A. and Abigail Adams. "CEHC Librarians." Guest presentation delivered at the CEHC Brown Bag, University at Albany, Albany, NY, October 2019. 

Germain, Carol A. "How videos in an online course help students to be more successful." Presentation delivered at the ITS Tech Expo, University at Albany, Albany, NY, August 2019. 

Goldstein, Jeff
Access Services Technology and Operations Coordinator

Germain, Carol A., Jeff Goldstein, Carolyn Malloch, Christina J. Hess Al-Junaid. "Bridging the Gap: Preparing High School Special Needs Students for Success in College." Panel delivered at "Academic Libraries and Patrons with Special Needs," Capital District Library Council, Troy, NY, January 2020.

Hackstadt, Angela N.
Subject Librarian for Political Science, Public Policy, Public Administration, and Law

Hackstadt, Angela N. "Catching Killers with Consumer Genetic Information." Presentation delivered at the New York Library Association Annual Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY, November 2019.

Hackstadt, Angela N. "Scholarly Communication Librarians as Scholarly Communication Leaders: An Analysis of Position Announcements." Presentation for Academic Libraries of Indiana Scholarly Communication Librarianship Conference, Indianapolis, IN, October 2019. 

Hackstadt, Angela N. "Panel of Campus Advocates Speaking to Open Educational Resources at UAlbany." Panel presentation at Open Access Day 2019, University at Albany, Albany, NY, October 2019. 

Hosier, Allison
Information Literacy Librarian

Hosier, Allison. "Research is Not a Basic Skill: Using the Contextual Nature of Research to Transform Information Literacy Instruction." Webinar for the Georgia Library Association, February 2020. 

Jacobson, Trudi E. 
Head, Information Literacy Department

Mackey, Thomas P. and Trudi E. Jacobson. "Advancing Democratic Dialogue by Applying Metaliteracy in Teaching Praxis." Online presentation for Information Literacy and Democracy, Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, June 2020. 

Jacobson, Trudi E. "Developing Ethical, Responsible, and Reliable Information Producers." Presentation delivered at WikiConference North America, Wikimedia Foundation, Cambridge, MA, November 2019. 

Jacobson, Trudi E. "Wikipedia's Role in Developing Metaliterate Citizens." Presentation for Wikimania 2019, Wikimedia Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2019.

Jacobson, Trudi E. "Education & Libraries: Opportunities Explored." Presentation for Wikimania 2019, Wikimedia Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2019.

Jacobson, Trudi E. and Thomas P. Mackey. "Teaching Metaliteracy as a Vital Literacy for Today’s Digital World." Online presentation at New Jersey Teaching with Technology Showcase, NJ EdgeCon, April 2020. 

Blumenthal, Helaine, Jacobson, Trudi E., and Christos Noutsos. "Metaliteracy, Information Literacy, Wikipedia." Online presentation for Open Pedagogy with Wikipedia and Wiki Education, SUNY FACT2, March 2020. 

Jacobson, Trudi E. "Editing Wikipedia." Presentation for the University at Albany Libraries, Albany, NY, March 2020. 

Jacobson, Trudi E. "Wikimedia Foundation Projects."  Presentation for the University at Albany Libraries, Albany, NY, November 2019.

Jacobson, Trudi E. "From Digital Natives to Digital Citizens: How Instructors are Using Wikipedia to Teach Information Literacy." Presentation delivered at WikiConference North America, Wikimedia Foundation, Cambridge, MA, November 2019. 

Jacobson, Trudi E. "Creating Shareable Knowledge: Exploring the Synergy between Metaliteracy and Open Pedagogy." Presentation delivered at the International Conference on Information Literacy, North-West University, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa, September 2019.

Jacobson, Trudi E. and Thomas P. Mackey. "Integrating Metaliteracy and Information Literacy into Teaching and Learning." Presentation for the UNESCO Chair on Multimodal Learning and OER, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa, September 2019.

Mackey, Thomas P. and Trudi E. Jacobson. "Applying Open Educational Practices to Develop Active Metaliterate Learners." Presentation for the UNESCO Chair on Multimodal Learning and OER, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa, September 2019.

Mackey, Thomas P. and Trudi E. Jacobson. "Prestige Lecture: Exploring the Foundation of Metaliteracy in Theory and Practice." Presentation for the UNESCO Chair on Multimodal Learning and OER, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa, September 2019.

O'Brien, Kelsey L. and Trudi E. Jacobson. "Teaching with Digital Badges: Best Practices for Libraries." Webinar presented for Credo InfoLit Learning Community, August 2019.

Kaczor, Sue A.
Subject Librarian for Biology, Atmospheric & Environmental Science, General Science and Science Reference, Liaison to the School of Public Health

Van Ullen, Mary and Sue Kaczor. "Elsevier ScienceDirect Negotiations Update for Biology Faculty." Presentation delivered at the University at Albany, Albany, NY, December 2019.

Kearney, Ann
Collections Conservator

Kearney, Ann C. and Karen E. Kiorpes. "Oversize Book Repair for General and Reference Collections." Presentation delivered at Collections Repair for Smaller Libraries and Archives, University at Albany, Albany, NY, March 2020.

Keough, Brian
Head, Special Collections and Archives

Keough, Brian. "Educational Opportunities for Everyone: A History of the University at Albany’s First 175 Years." Presentation for the 1844 Society, University at Albany, June 2020.

Keough, Brian. "The Brothers: The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in Albany, 1960-1970." Presentation delivered at the Department of Africana Studies, University at Albany, Albany, NY, February 2020.

Keough, Brian. "The Brothers: The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in Albany." Presentation delivered at the African American History Month Film Series, Albany Public Library, Albany, NY, February 2020. 

Keough, Brian. "The Brothers: The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in Albany." Presentation for the North Albany Roundtable, Albany Public Library, Albany, NY, February 2020.

Keough, Brian. "How a Traveling Salesman in the 1970s Became a Leading Opponent to the Death Penalty." Podcast for the University at Albany, December 2019.

Kilcer, Emily E. 
Scholarly Communication Librarian

Kilcer, Emily E. "Scholcomm update with Subject Librarians." Presentation for the University at Albany Libraries, Albany, NY, February 2020. 

Kilcer, Emily E. "CC licensing presentation to the University Libraries." Presentation for the University at Albany Libraries, Albany, NY, November 2019.

Kiorpes, Karen E.
Head, Preservation Department

Kearney, Ann C. and Karen E. Kiorpes. "Oversize Book Repair for General and Reference Collections." Presentation delivered at Collections Repair for Smaller Libraries and Archives, University at Albany, Albany, NY, March 2020.

Lasda, Elaine
Coordinator of Scholarly Communication

Lasda, Elaine and Richard P. Hulser. "New Metrics, Added Value!" Presented at Information Today, Monterey, CA, October 2019.

Lasda, Elaine and Casey Conlin. "Research, Data, and Assessment." Online presentation for the New York Library Association Developing Leaders Program, December 2019.

Lowe, Amanda M.
Marketing and Outreach Librarian

Lowe, Amanda M. "Let's Get Visual!: Utilizing Instagram to Engage Your Campus Community." Presentation for the SUNYLA Annual Conference, June 2020. 

Puzier, Lauren M., Camille E. Chesley, and Amanda L. Lowe. "How Can Libraries Move Towards a More Inclusive Model of Reference? A Practical Approach to Serve Distance Students." Virtual poster for the Association of College & Research Libraries' Distance Learning Section Instruction Group, April 2020. 

Lowe, Amanda M. "University Libraries Introduction for Accepted Transfer Students." Online presentation for Transfer Connections, University at Albany Office of Undergraduate Education, June 2020.

Lowe, Amanda M. "University Libraries Orientation for Transfer Transition Leaders (TTLs)." Presentation delivered at the University at Albany, Albany, NY, August 2019.

Mugridge, Rebecca L.
Dean of the University Libraries

Van Ullen, Mary and Rebecca Mugridge. "Elsevier ScienceDirect Negotiations Update for CEAS Faculty." Presentation delivered at the University at Albany, Albany, NY, September 2019.

Nous, Rebecca
Discovery Services Librarian

Nous, Rebecca, Eichelberger, Michelle, Babb, Nancy, and Jennifer Parker. "CDI Overview: Take 2." Online presentation for the SUNY Libraries Consortium, February 2020.

Nous, Rebecca and Alyssa Panetta. "Creating and Implementing a Pro-active Chat Widget." Online presentation
for the SUNY Libraries Consortium, December 2019.

O'Brien, Kelsey L.
Information Literacy Librarian

O'Brien, Kelsey L. "The University Libraries: Your Partners in Student Success." Presentation at the Virtual Conference on the First Year Experience, May 2020.

O'Brien, Kelsey L. "Metaliteracy Badges at the University Libraries." Presentation at the Ed Tech Expo, University at Albany, Albany, NY, August 2019.

O'Brien, Kelsey L. "Learning to Fail with Breakout EDU." Presentation accepted at the Conference on Instructional Technology (CIT), May 2020. 

O'Brien, Kelsey L. and Trudi E. Jacobson. "Teaching with Digital Badges: Best Practices for Libraries." Webinar presented for Credo InfoLit Learning Community, August 2019.

Puzier, Lauren M.
User Experience Librarian

Puzier, Lauren M. "University Library Introduction for Accepted Transfer Students." Presentation at Transfer Connections, University at Albany, June 2020.

Puzier, Lauren M., Camille E. Chesley, and Amanda L. Lowe. "How Can Libraries Move Towards a More Inclusive Model of Reference? A Practical Approach to Serve Distance Students." Virtual poster for the Association of College & Research Libraries' Distance Learning Section Instruction Group, April 2020. 

Puzier, Lauren M., Heyer, Nathaniel B., Norton, Tyler, and Kelsy Hibbard-Baker. "Work Smarter! Tech Tools to Aid Productivity." Presentation delivered at the New York Library Association Annual Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY, November 2019.

Van Ullen, Mary
Director of Collections

Van Ullen, Mary and Sue Kaczor. "Elsevier ScienceDirect Negotiations Update for Biology Faculty." Presentation delivered at the University at Albany, Albany, NY, December 2019.

Van Ullen, Mary and Rebecca Mugridge. "Elsevier ScienceDirect Negotiations Update for CEAS Faculty." Presentation delivered at the University at Albany, Albany, NY, September 2019.

Waterhouse, Janetta
Director of Technical Services and Library Systems

Waterhouse, Janetta. "APIs for the Non-technical." Presentation delivered for ExLibris Northeast User Group 2019, New Paltz, NY, October 2019.

Waterhouse, Janetta. "Managing Data Cleanup Projects." Presentation delivered for ExLibris Northeast User Group 2019, New Paltz, NY, October 2019.

Waterhouse, Janetta. "Mapping Domain Knowledge for Leading and Managing Change."  Online presentation for NASIG 2020, June 2020. 

Wiedeman, Gregory
University Archivist

Wiedeman, Gregory. Didn’t we do this already? Better ways of thinking and doing ‘finding aid’ aggregation." Virtual presentation for the New York Archives Conference, June 2020. 

Wiedeman, Gregory and Mark D. Wolfe. "How do we do that? Implementing Web Systems in Archives." Presentation delivered at the Capital Area Archivists Unconference, Albany, NY, February 2020. 

Wiedeman, Gregory. "Descriptive Metadata and Web Archives Panel." Panel presentation at the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, August 2019.

Wiedeman, Gregory. "Introduction to Python and ArchivesSnake for Archivists." Presentation at the ArchivesSpace User Forum, Austin, TX, August 2019.

Wolfe, Mark D.
Curator of Digital Collections

Wiedeman, Gregory and Mark D. Wolfe. "How do we do that? Implementing Web Systems in Archives." Presentation delivered at the Capital Area Archivists Unconference, Albany, NY, February 2020. 


July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús
Subject Librarian for History, Latin American Studies, and Romance Languages

  • Alonso-Regalado, Jesús, and Miguel Valladares-Llata. “Experiences of Reference Services in U.S. Academic Libraries.” Guest lecture delivered at the Department of Library Science, Documentation and Media, University of Barcelona, October 2018.
  • Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. “An Experience of Collection Development in a U.S. Academic Library.” Guest lecture delivered at the Department of Library Science, Documentation and Media, University of Barcelona, October 2018.
  • Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. “Ask Your Librarian! What You Never Dare to Ask Him About Libraries: Supporting Your Research, and Making Your Life Happier in Academia and Beyond.” Presentation delivered for the Spring 2019 LLC Seminar Series, Albany, NY, February 2019. https://www.albany.edu/llc/SP19_SeminarLib.pdf.
  • Alonso-Regalado, Jesús, and Betsaida M. Reyes. “Digital Researchers: Skills, Competencies and Tools Needed for Academic and Professional Development in the Humanities and Social Sciences Fields.” Presentation delivered at the Universidad de la Salle, Bogotá, Colombia, April 2019.
  • Alonso-Regalado, Jesús, and Betsaida M. Reyes. “Google is Not Word of God: Techniques for Searching and Evaluating Information.“ Presentation delivered at the Universidad de la Salle, Bogotá, Colombia, April 2019.
  • Alonso-Regalado, Jesús, and Miguel Valladares-Llata. “Development of Collections in the 21st Century: Opportunities for Collaboration. How to Connect with Our Communities.“ Presentation delivered at the International Book Fair of Bogotá (FILBO), Colombia, May 2019.
  • Alonso-Regalado, Jesús, and Christine Vassallo-Oby. “Dynamic Duos: Interrogating Latin American Currricula Through Faculty-Librarian Partnerships.”Presentation delivered at the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) 2019 congress, Boston, MA, May 2019.
  • Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. “Area Studies Librarians and Digital Scholarship: The Changing Landscape in Latin American Studies. ” Panel presentation delivered for the University of Texas Libraries, Digital Scholars in Practice Lecture Series, Austin, TX, June 2019.
  • Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. “Supporting Latin American, U.S. Latinx and Iberian Librarianship and Scholarship: The Hispanic Division and Rio Office of the Library of Congress.” Presentation delivered at the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM) annual conference, Austin, TX, June 2019.

Chen, Yu-Hui
Subject Librarian for Education and East Asian Studies

  • Chen, Yu-Hui, and Carol Anne Germain. “Information Architecture: Methods to Engage Users.” Presentation delivered at the Computers in Libraries 2019 annual conference, Arlington, VA, March 2019.

Chesley, Camille E.
Reference Librarian

  • Chesley, Camille E., and Tarida Anantachai. “Beyond Recruitment: From Diversity Talk to Inclusive Practice.” Panel presentation delivered at the RRLC (Rochester Regional Library Council) Inclusive Libraries Conference, Rochester, NY, October 2018.
  • Chesley, Camille E., Tarida Anantachai, Ariana Santiago, and Mea Warren. “ Endurance is Not Transformation: Narratives of Women of Color on the Promotion and Tenure Track. ” Panel presentation delivered at the ACRL (Association of College & Research Libraries) 2019 conference, Cleveland, OH, April 2019.
  • Chesley, Camille E., Tarida Anantachai, Brendan Aucoin, and Jean-Paul Orgeron. “ACRL National Conference Themes and Highlights.” Panel presentation delivered at the Spring 2019 Conference of the Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ENY/ACRL), Newburgh, NY, May 2019.

Germain, Carol Anne
Subject Librarian for Informatics, Information Studies & Sociology

  • Germain, Carol Anne, Marisa Gitto, and Amy Pass. “Academic Librarian Panel.” Panel presentation delivered at the Capital District Library Council (CDLC) and Questar III School Library System Symposium on Preparing Students for College Level Research 2.0, Castleton, NY, November 2018.
  • Germain, Carol Anne, Trudi E. Jacobson, Amanda Babiard, and Johanna Mackay. “Information Literacy Framework.” Panel presentation delivered at the Capital District Library Council (CDLC) Reference, Instruction, and Outreach Interest Group Meeting, Albany, NY, January 2019.
  • Chen, Yu-Hui, and Carol Anne Germain. “Information Architecture: Methods to Engage Users.” Presentation delivered at the Computers in Libraries 2019 annual conference, Arlington, VA, March 2019.
  • Germain, Carol A., and Kerrie Burch. “High School to College Transition Interest Group Show and Tell.” Panel presentation delivered at the Capital District Library Council (CDLC) Reference, Instruction, and Outreach Interest Group Meeting, Albany, NY, May 2019.
  • Germain, Carol Anne. “A Sweet Change with Addressing Plagiarism.” Presentation delivered at the annual conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA), Syracuse, NY, June 2019.

Angela Hackstadt
Subject Librarian for Political Science, Public Administration, Public Policy, and Law

  • Hackstadt, Angela. “Peacebuilding Through Food Recovery.” Presentation delivered at the Praxis Conference, Arlington, VA, November 2018.
  • Hackstadt, Angela. “404 Reasons to Use Perma.cc.” Poster presented at the Spring 2019 Conference of the Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ENY/ACRL), Newburgh, NY, May 2019.
  • Kilcer, Emily E., Elaine Lasda, Lindsay Van Berkom, Angela N. Hackstadt, and Karen E. Kiorpes. “Scholarly Communications at University Libraries.” Panel presentation delivered at the University at Albany Libraries, Albany, NY, May 2019.

Hosier, Allison E.
Information Literacy Librarian

  • Hosier, Allison. “The Four Tendencies and Time Management.” Presentation delivered to the Research Fight Club, University at Albany Libraries, Albany, NY, January 2019.
  • Heady, Christina, Amy Fyn, Amanda Foster-Kaufman, and Allison Hosier. “Why We Leave: Exploring Academic Librarian Turnover and Retention Strategies.” Panel presentation delivered at the ACRL (Association of College & Research Libraries) 2019 conference, Cleveland, OH, April 2019.
  • Hosier, Allison. “Research is Not a Basic Skill: Using the Contextual Nature of Research to Change the Narrative of Information Literacy Instruction.” Presentation delivered at the ACRL (Association of College & Research Libraries) 2019 conference, Cleveland, OH, April 2019.

Jacobson, Trudi E.
Head, Information Literacy Department

  • Mackey, Tom, Kelsey L. O’Brien, Christine Paige, and Trudi E. Jacobson. “Accelerating Metaliterate Learning with a Global MOOC and Digital Badging System.” Presentation delivered at the Online Learning Consortium (OLC), Orlando, FL, November 2018.
  • Jacobson, Trudi E., and Thomas P.Mackey. “Metaliteracy Learning Collaborative.” Presentation delivered at the State University of New York Communities of Practice Fall Convening. New Models for Enhancing Enrollment, Retention, and Completion, Utica, NY, November 2018.
  • Jacobson, Trudi E. “ACRL Information Literacy Framework.” Presentation delivered at the Capital District Library Council (CDLC) Reference, Instruction, and Outreach Interest Group meeting, Albany, NY, January 2019.
  • Germain, Carol Anne, Trudi E. Jacobson, Amanda Babiard, and Johanna Mackay. “Information Literacy Framework.” Panel presentation delivered at the Capital District Library Council (CDLC) Reference, Instruction, and Outreach Interest Group meeting, Albany, NY, January 2019.
  • Jacobson, Trudi E., and Kelsey L. O'Brien. “What's An IITG Grant, and How Can I Get One?” Panel presentation delivered at the Institute for Teaching, Learning & Academic Leadership (ITLAL) IITG Information Panel, Albany, NY, February 2019.
  • Jacobson, Trudi E., Kelsey L. O’Brien, and Jenna Pitera. “BreakoutEDU.” Workshop presented at the Capital District Library Council (CDLC), Albany, NY, March 2019.
  • Jacobson, Trudi. “What Do We Mean When We Talk About IL?” Presentation delivered at the Conference on Learning Information Literacy Across the Globe, Frankfurt, May 2019.
  • Jacobson, Trudi, Thomas Mackey, and Kelsey O’Brien. “Developing Metaliterate Citizens: Designing and Delivering Enhanced Global Learning Opportunities.” Paper presented at the Conference on Learning Information Literacy Across the Globe, Frankfurt, May 2019.
  • Jacobson, Trudi, Thomas Mackey, Kelsey O’Brien, and Alena Rodick. “Advancing Metaliteracy in a Post-Truth World through the Design of a Global MOOC.” Presentation delivered at the annual Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT 2019), Purchase, NY, May 2019.
  • Jacobson, Trudi, Kelsey O’Brien, and Jenna Pitera. “Thinking Outside the Box: Fostering Collaboration and Critical Thinking Mindsets with Breakout EDU.” Presentation delivered at the annual Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT) 2019, Purchase, NY, May 2019.

Ann C. Kearney
Collections Conservator

  • Kearney, Ann, and Karen E. Kiorpes. “Pamphlet Binding Workshop.” Workshop presented at the University at Albany Libraries Alice Hastings Murphy Preservation Department, Albany, NY, March 2019.

Emily E. Kilcer
Scholarly Communication Librarian

  • Kilcer, Emily E., and Traci Tosh. “Research Data Management: Nuts and Bolts.” Presentation delivered at the Capital District Library Council (CDLC) Scholarly Communication Interest Group meeting, Albany, NY, January 2019.
  • Kilcer, Emily E., Kyle K. Courtney, and Tom Lingner. “Rights Statements as Essential Practice.” Presentation delivered at the 13th Annual Digital Commonwealth Conference, Worcester, MA, April 2019.
  • Kilcer, Emily E., Elaine Lasda, Lindsay Van Berkom, Angela N. Hackstadt, and Karen E. Kiorpes. “Scholarly Communications at University Libraries.” Panel presentation delivered at the University at Albany Libraries, Albany, NY, May 2019.
  • Kilcer, Emily E., and Traci Tosh. “Research Data Management: Early Steps to a New Service.” Presentation delivered at the Spring 2019 Conference of the Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ENY/ACRL), Newburgh, NY, May 2019.
  • Kilcer, Emily E., and Traci Tosh. “Research Data Management: Early Steps to a New Service.” Presentation delivered at the annual conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA), Syracuse, NY, June 2019.

Karen E. Kiorpes
Head, Preservation Department

  • Kearney, Ann, and Karen E. Kiorpes. “Pamphlet Binding Workshop.” Workshop presented at the University at Albany Libraries Alice Hastings Murphy Preservation Department, Albany, NY, March 2019.
  • Kilcer, Emily E., Elaine Lasda, Lindsay Van Berkom, Angela N. Hackstadt, and Karen E. Kiorpes. “Scholarly Communications at University Libraries.” Panel presentation delivered at the University at Albany Libraries, Albany, NY, May 2019.

Lasda, Elaine M. 
Subject Librarian for Social Welfare and Reference

  • Lasda, Elaine. “Research Impact Metrics for Promotion and Tenure.” Presentation delivered at the University at Albany School of Social Welfare Research Impact Metrics Faculty meeting, Albany, NY, November 2018.
  • Lasda, Elaine, and Jill Hurst-Wahl. “Personal Project Management and Productivity Tools.” Presentation delivered at the annual conference of the Upstate New York Chapter of the Special Librarians Association (UNYSLA), Syracuse, NY, April 2019.
  • Lasda, Elaine, and Kristen Faeth. “New Tools for Research Impact: Publons, Kopernio, Altmetric, Dimensions, and PlumX Overview.” Presentation delivered at the University at Albany Libraries, May 2019.
  • Kilcer, Emily E., Elaine Lasda, Lindsay Van Berkom, Angela N. Hackstadt, and Karen E. Kiorpes. “Scholarly Communications at University Libraries.” Panel presentation delivered at the University at Albany Libraries, Albany, NY, May 2019.
  • Lasda, Elaine, and Rebecca Welzenbach. “Research in Specialized Settings: A View from the Trenches.” Presentation delivered at the Bibliometrics and Research Impact Community (BRIC) 2019 Conference, Quebec City, QC, May 2019.
  • Lasda, Elaine. “Making Informed Decisions: A Data Literacy Primer.” Continuing education class presented at the Special Libraries Association (SLA) 2019 Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH, June 2019.

Mugridge, Rebecca L.
Dean of University Libraries

  • Mugridge, Rebecca L. “Advocating for Technical Services Through Assessment.” Keynote address presented at the Potomac Technical Processing Librarians 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October 2018.
  • Mugridge, Rebecca L., and Nancy M. Poehlmann. “Benchmarking Vended Authority Control Practices in ARL Libraries.” Presentation delivered twice at the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting for both the ALCTS CaMMS Cataloging & Classification Research Interest Group and the ACRL Technical Services Interest Group, Seattle, WA, January 2019.

Nous, Rebecca
Catalog Management Librarian

  • Nous, Rebecca. “Overview of Primo VE.” Presentation delivered at the ExLibris & State University of New York Libraries Consortium (SLC) Ex Libris Alma Kick Off Event, Albany, NY, July 2018.
  • Nous, Rebecca, and Jan Waterhouse. “Electronic Resources Simplexity.” Presentation delivered at the 2018 ExLibris Northeast User Group (ENUG) Conference, Albany, NY, October 2018.
  • Nous, Rebecca. “Primo VE Overview.” Presentation delivered at the Capital District Library Council (CDLC) Cataloging and Technical Services Interest Group meeting, Albany, NY, May 2019.
  • Nous, Rebecca, Michelle Eichelberger, and Jill Locascio. “Usability and Customization Options for Primo VE: Learning To Love a Fixer-Upper.” Presentation delivered at the annual conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA), Syracuse, NY, June 2019.

O’Brien, Kelsey L.
Information Literacy Librarian

  • O’Brien, Kelsey. “Learning is a Journey: Telling the Full Story with Digital Badges.” Presentation delivered at the Northeastern Regional Information Center (NERIC) Model Schools Leadership event, Lake Placid, NY, August 2018.
  • O’Brien, Kelsey. “The Metaliteracy Badging System.” Presentation delivered at the Capital District Library Council (CDLC) Member Showcase, Albany, NY, September 2018.
  • Mackey, Thomas, Kelsey O’Brien, and Christine Paige. “Accelerating Metaliterate Learning with a Global MOOC and Digital Badging System.” Presentation delivered at the OLC Accelerate conference, Orlando, FL, November 2018. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/attend-2018/olc-accelerate-2018-session-page/?session=5809&kwds=.
  • Jacobson, Trudi E., and Kelsey L. O’Brien. “What's An IITG Grant, and How Can I Get One?” Panel presentation delivered at the Institute for Teaching, Learning & Academic Leadership (ITLAL) IITG Information Panel, Albany, NY, February 2019.
  • Manganello, Jennifer A., Kimberly Colvin, and Kelsey L. O’Brien. “Get Health’e’: A Pilot Test of an eHealth Literacy Intervention for Young Adults.” Presentation delivered at the 2019 Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC, March 2019.
  • Jacobson, Trudi E., Kelsey L. O’Brien, and Jenna Pitera. “BreakoutEDU.” Workshop presented at the Capital District Library Council (CDLC), Albany, NY, March 2019.
  • Jacobson, Trudi, Thomas Mackey, and Kelsey O’Brien. “Developing Metaliterate Citizens: Designing and Delivering Enhanced Global Learning Opportunities.” Paper presented at the Conference on Learning Information Literacy Across the Globe, Frankfurt, May 2019.
  • Jacobson, Trudi, Thomas Mackey, Kelsey O’Brien, and Alena Rodick. “Advancing Metaliteracy in a Post-Truth World through the Design of a Global MOOC.” Presentation delivered at the annual Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT 2019), Purchase, NY, May 2019.
  • Jacobson, Trudi, Kelsey O’Brien, and Jenna Pitera. “Thinking Outside the Box: Fostering Collaboration and Critical Thinking Mindsets with Breakout EDU.” Presentation delivered at the annual Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT 2019), Purchase, NY, May 2019.
  • O’Brien, Kelsey. “Promoting Metacognition with the Metaliteracy Badging System.” Poster presented at the annual conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA), Syracuse, NY, June 2019.

Nancy Poehlmann
Head, Metadata Services

  • Mugridge, Rebecca L., and Nancy M. Poehlmann. “Benchmarking Vended Authority Control Practices in ARL Libraries.” Presentation delivered twice at the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting for both the ALCTS CaMMS Cataloging & Classification Research Interest Group and the ACRL Technical Services Interest Group, Seattle, WA, January 2019.

Puzier, Lauren M.
User Experience Librarian

  • Puzier, Lauren, and Abby Stambach. “Make it Work: 5 User-friendly Productivity Tools for the Library.” Workshop presented at the Art Libraries Society (ARLIS) UK & Ireland Annual Conference, London, UK, July 2018.
  • Puzier, Lauren, Tyler Norton, and Rebekah Jarvis-Girtler.  “Knock Out Daily To-Do Lists with Slack, Trello and Zapier.” Workshop delivered for the Capital Area Library Assistants (CALA), Albany, NY. November 2018.
  • Gasper, Amber, Derek Malone, and Lauren Puzier. “What to Expect When You’re Expecting to Graduate with an MLIS: From Resumes to the Job Search.” Online presentation delivered for the Virtual Speaker Series, American Libraries Association (ALA) Student Chapter at Kent State, Kent, OH, March 2019.

Priscilla Seaman
Subject Librarian for Anthropology, Geography & Planning & Communication

  • Seaman, Priscilla, Sarah Copeland, Chapel Cowden, and Lu Gao. “Promoting Learning in the Culturally Diverse Library Instruction Classroom: An Active Exploration.” Workshop delivered at the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) 2019 Conference, Cleveland, OH, April 2019.
  • Seaman, Priscilla, and Pradipta Pariyal. “Text Mining & HathiTrust: An Introduction.” Breakout Session delivered at the Spring 2019 conference of the Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ENY/ACRL), Newburgh, NY, May 2019.

Kabel Nathan Stanwicks
Head of Access Services

  • Stanwicks, Kabel Nathan, and Hemalata Iyer. “Social Tagging and Name Authorities: Popular Music Information Discovery.” Presentation delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), Vancouver, BC, November 2018.

Lindsay Van Berkom
Assistant for Dewey Graduate Library Operations & Scholars Archive Administrator

  • Kilcer, Emily E., Elaine Lasda, Lindsay Van Berkom, Angela N. Hackstadt, and Karen E. Kiorpes. “Scholarly Communications at University Libraries.” Panel presentation delivered at the University at Albany Libraries, Albany, NY, May 2019.

Mary VanUllen
Director of Collections

  • VanUllen, Mary. “Engaging in the Research and Publication Process.” Presentation delivered to the Research Fight Club, University at Albany Libraries, Albany, NY, October 2018.
  • VanUllen, Mary, Carey Hatch, and Mark McBride. “Elsevier Town Hall.” Panel presentation delivered at the State University of New York Libraries Consortium (SLC) meeting, Albany, NY, April 2019.

Waterhouse, Janetta L. 
Director of Technical Services & Library Systems

  • Nous, Rebecca, and Jan Waterhouse. “Electronic Resources Simplexity.” Presentation delivered at the 2018 ExLibris Northeast User Group (ENUG) Conference, Albany, NY, October 2018.
  • Waterhouse, Janetta. “Change Management in Libraries and Technical Services.” Presentation delivered at the annual meeting of the American Library Association (ALA), Washington, DC, June 2019.
  • Waterhouse, Janetta. “Technology Project Management: Following Best Practices and Building Your Skill Set.” Presentation delivered at the annual meeting of the American Library Association (ALA), Washington, DC, June 2019.
  • Waterhouse, Janetta. “Leading Transformational Change in Technical Services.” Presentation delivered at the annual meeting of the American Library Association (ALA), Washington, DC, June 2019.

Wiedeman, Gregory
University Archivist

  • Wiedeman, Gregory. “Processing Born-Digital Images at Scale.” Presentation delivered remotely to the National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) Content Interest Group, August 2018.
  • Wiedeman, Gregory. “Describing Web Archives with the Partner Data API.”  Presentation delivered at the 2018 Archive-It Partner Meeting, Washington, DC, August 2018.
  • Wiedeman, Gregory. “Challenges and Conflicts of Linked Data in Archives.” Presentation delivered at the Society of American Archivists (SAA) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, August 2018.
  • Wiedeman, Gregory, Alison Clemens, and Rachel Appel. “Born-Digital Access Bootcamp.” Workshop delivered at the Digital Library Federation (DLF) Forum 2018, Las Vegas, NV, October 2018.
  • Wiedeman, Gregory.  “Providing Computational Access to Records of American Capital Punishment.” Presentation delivered at the Code4Lib conference, San José, CA, February 2019. https://2019.code4lib.org/talks/Providing-Computational-Access-to-Records-of-American-Capital-Punishment.
  • Wiedeman, Gregory, Helena Byrne, Ed Summers, and Shawn Walker. “Team Kompromat Project.” Presentation delivered at the Archives Unleashed Datathon, Washington, DC, March 2019. https://archivesunleashed.org/washington/.
  • Wiedeman, Gregory. “Did You Know About the Archives?” Presentation delivered at the University at Albany's BIG Event, Albany, NY, April 2019.


  • Wiedeman, Gregory. “Introduction to Python and ArchivesSnake for Archivists.” Workshop presented at the Metropolitan New York Library Council, New York, NY, May 2019.

Wolfe, Mark D.
Curator of Digital Collections

  • Wolfe, Mark. “After the Low-Hanging Fruit Has Been Plucked: Archives in the Era of Costly Sustainability.” Presentation delivered at the 2019 annual conference of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) of the Association of College & Research Libraries, Baltimore, MD, June 2019.

July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús
Subject Librarian for History, Latin American Studies, and Romance Languages

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. “Conectándonos con la comunidad local en entornos digitales y presenciales.” Workshop presented to librarians at the Filgua International Book Fair, Guatemala City, Guatemala, July 2017.

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. “Finding Latin American and Spanish Videos for Research, Teaching, and Learning.” Presentation delivered at the Views from Below: The Underdog in Contemporary Latin American and Spanish Film conference, Albany, NY, October 2017.

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús, and Adán Griego. “Selecting Latin American Studies Research Materials.” Lecture presented at Collection Development class (IS 508AO), School of Information Sciences, The iSchool at Illinois, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, online, November 2017.

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús, Tom Payton, Jenny Lizárraga, and Adán Griego. “Mexico-United States Relations in the Trump Era: The Spanish Language Book Panorama.” Roundtable discussion presented at the International Publishers and Book Professionals Forum, Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL), Guadalajara, November 2017.

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. “Information Literacy in U.S. Academic Libraries.” Featured guest on weekly radio program, “Planeta Biblioteca.” Produced by Julio Alonso Arévalo, University of Salamanca, December 2017. https://universoabierto.org/2017/12/20/alfabetizacion-informacional-en-bibliotecas-universitarias-en-estados-unidos-planeta-biblioteca-2017-12-20/

Boyle, Jodi
Supervisory Archivist

Keough, Brian, Jodi Boyle, Melissa McMullen, and Greg Wiedeman. “Documenting the Macabre: The National Death Penalty Archive.” Presentation delivered at the Fall 2017 Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, Buffalo, NY, October 2017.

Boyle, Jodi. “Reflections at 10: A Decade Working with the Archival Representation Course Practicum.” Poster presentation delivered at the Annual New York Archives Conference, Albany, NY, June 2018.

Chen, Yu-Hui
Subject Librarian for Education and East Asian Studies

Chen, Yu-Hui, Carol Anne Germain. “Usable & Helpful Tutorials for International Students.” Presentation delivered at the Computers in Libraries 2018 annual conference, Arlington, VA, April 2018.

Ernye, Jessica
Monograph Copy Cataloger

Ernye, Jessica. “Dublin Core…But We Don’t Have an Entire Semester.” Presentation delivered at the Capital District Library Council, Cataloging and Technical Services Interest Group meeting, Albany, NY, November 2017.

Germain, Carol Anne
Subject Librarian for Informatics, Information Studies & Sociology

Germain, Carol A. “Spotting Fake News.” Presentation delivered at the East Greenbush Community Library, East Greenbush, NY, August 2017.

Germain, Carol A. “New York State Fully Funds Its Libraries! Or How to Spot Fake News.” Presentation delivered at the Capital Region BOCES, Albany, NY, September 2017.

Chen, Yu-Hui, Carol Anne Germain. “Usable & Helpful Tutorials for International Students.” Presentation delivered at the Computers in Libraries 2018 annual conference, Arlington, VA, April 2018.

Germain, Carol A. “Assessing Information and Connecting to Community Resources.” Workshop delivered at “Inspire: A Day of Passion, Purpose and Leadership,” Albany Community Action Partnership and University at Albany School of Social Welfare, Albany, NY, April 2018.

Germain, Carol A. “Reference/Information Literacy Module.” Workshop delivered at the New York Library Association, Guilderland, NY, June 2018.

Holden, Irina I.
Information Literacy & Science Outreach Librarian

Holden, Irina I. “Students’ Reflections on the ACRL Framework.” Presentation delivered at the Special Libraries Association (SLA) 2018 Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 2018.

Hosier, Allison E.
Information Literacy Librarian

Hosier, Allison. “Research is Not a Basic Skill: The ACRL Framework and the Importance of Context in Information Literacy Instruction.” Presentation delivered at the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA) 2018 Annual Conference, Canandaigua, NY, June 2018.

Jacobson, Trudi E.
Head, Information Literacy Department

O’Brien, Kelsey, Stephanie Affinito, Trudi Jacobson, and Michele Forte. “Teaching Digital Citizenship with Metaliteracy Badges.” Presentation delivered at the Annual Learning with Innovative Technology Conference (LIT), Saratoga Springs, NY, June 2017.

Affinito, Stephanie A., Kelsey O'Brien, and Trudi E. Jacobson. “Teaching Digital Citizenship with Metaliteracy Badges.” Presentation delivered at the Annual Learning with Innovative Technology Conference (LIT), Saratoga Springs, NY, June 2017.

Mackey, Thomas P., and Trudi E. Jacobson. “Metaliteracy and the Participatory Role of Learners in Today’s Social Media Environment.” Presentation delivered at the General Education Faculty Assembly, Temple University, Philadelphia, August 2017.

Jacobson, Trudi E., and Thomas P. Mackey. “Promoting Metaliteracy and Metacognition in Collaborative Teaching and Learning.” Virtual presentation delivered at the Fourth Annual NOLA Information Literacy Forum, New Orleans, August 2017.

Affinito, Stephanie A., Kelsey O'Brien, and Trudi E.Jacobson. “Metaliteracy Badging Meets Teacher Education: Collaborative Customization for Open SUNY.” Presentation delivered at the State University of New York Conference on Instruction and Technology (CIT), Oneonta, NY, September 2017.

Mackey, Thomas P., and Trudi E. Jacobson. “Metaliteracy: Reflective and Empowered Lifelong Learning.” Presentation delivered at the Literacidad y Vida Cotidiana Conference. Guadalajara, Mexico, November 2017.

Jacobson, Trudi E., and Thomas P. Mackey. “Teaching Metaliteracy to Empower Learners in a Post-Truth World.” Presentation delivered at the Quality of Life Lecture Series, Baton Rouge, LA, April 2018.

Jacobson, Trudi E. “Editing vs. Writing a Book.” Presentation delivered at the Honors College Scholarly Book Publishing Interdisciplinary Dialogue, Albany, NY, April 2018.

Jacobson, Trudi E. “The Value of a Growth Mindset Whilst Deluged by Information.” Keynote speech delivered at the 2018 GIL (GALILEO Interconnected Libraries) Users Group Meeting, Athens, GA, May 2018.

Jacobson, Trudi E., and Emer O'Keeffe. “Metaliteracy: What It Is, Why It Matters. ” Presentation delivered at the Annual Learning with Innovative Technology Conference (LIT), Saratoga Springs, NY, June 2018.

Keough, Brian
Head, Special Collections & Archives

Keough, Brian, Jodi Boyle, Melissa McMullen, and Greg Wiedeman. “Documenting the Macabre: The National Death Penalty Archive.” Presentation delivered at the Fall 2017 Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, Buffalo, NY, October 2017.

LaFond, Deborah M.
Subject Librarian for Africana Studies, Educational & Counseling Psychology, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

LaFond, Deborah M.  “Pollution Fighters: Problem Solving in Research Using Surveys and Interviews—Distinguishing Between Qualitative and Quantitative Methods.”  Workshop presented at Science & Technology Entry Program (STEP Summer Institute), Albany, NY, July 2017.

Lasda, Elaine M.
Subject Librarian for Social Welfare and Reference

Lasda, Elaine. “Data and Libraries. Or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Spreadsheet.” Presentation delivered for the Capital District Library Council, Albany, NY, September 2017.

Lasda, Elaine, and Julienne Slichko. “Locating, Evaluating and Assessing OERs.” Presentation delivered at an Innovative Instruction Technology Grant (IITG) Faculty Workshop on Open Educational Resources, Albany, NY, October 2017.

Lasda, Elaine M., and Julienne Slichko. “OERs: A Game-Changer for Higher Education.” Presentation delivered at the Annual Open Access Day conference, Albany, NY, October 2017.

Lasda, Elaine, and Julienne Slichko. “Locating, Evaluating and Assessing OERs.” Presentation delivered at an Innovative Instruction Technology Grant (IITG) Faculty Workshop on Open Educational Resources, Albany, NY, April 2018.

Lasda, Elaine. “Metrics Tools: Bibliometrics & Altmetrics Amp Relevance.”Presentation delivered at the Computers in Libraries 2018 annual conference, Arlington, VA, April 2018.

Lasda, Elaine, and Richard Hulser. “Citation Metrics and Altmetrics: A Brief Overview.”Presentation delivered at the Computers in Libraries 2018 annual conference, Arlington, VA, April 2018.

Lowe, Amanda M.
Outreach & Marketing Librarian

Andrasik, Alex, and Amanda M.Lowe. “Librarians Mending Fences in a Divided Country.” Presentation delivered at the 2017 New York Library Association (NYLA) Annual Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY, November 2017.

Lowe, Amanda M. “Library Marketing—What's Up With That.” Presentation delivered at the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA) 2018 Annual Conference, Canandaigua, NY, June 2018.

Melissa A. McMullen
Assistant University Archivist

Keough, Brian, Jodi Boyle, Melissa McMullen, and Greg Wiedeman. “Documenting the Macabre: The National Death Penalty Archive.” Presentation delivered at the Fall 2017 Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, Buffalo, NY, October 2017.

Mugridge, Rebecca L.
Dean of University Libraries

Mugridge, Rebecca. “Technical Services Assessment.” Keynote presentation delivered at the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services Preconference “Technical Services Assessment: Tools and Techniques that Demonstrate Value,” American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA June 2018.

Nous, Rebecca
Catalog Management Librarian

Eichelberger, Michelle, Erin Rushton, Nancy Babb, Rebecca Nous, and Erin Sharwell. “Opening the Discovery Door: Getting to Know Primo.” Presentation delivered at the SUNY Librarians Association Annual Conference, Canandaigua, NY, June 2018.

O'Brien, Kelsey L.
Information Literacy Librarian

O’Brien, Kelsey, Stephanie Affinito, Trudi Jacobson, and Michele Forte. “Teaching Digital Citizenship with Metaliteracy Badges.” Presentation delivered at the Annual Learning with Innovative Technology Conference, Saratoga, NY, July 2017. 

Mackey, Thomas P., and Kelsey O’Brien. “Designing for Connectedness and Openness: Advancing Metaliterate Learning through MOOCs and Digital Badging.” Presented virtually at the ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Toronto, October 2017.

Kohn, David, Ken Lindblom, Kelsey O’Brien, Anne Reed, and Eileen O’Connor. “Micro-Credentials at Work in SUNY.” Panel discussion presented at the FACT2 Symposium on Micro-Credentials, Saratoga, NY, November 2017.

O’Brien, Kelsey. “The Metaliteracy Badging System.” Online presentation delivered for the SUNY Center for Professional Development FACT2 Micro‐Credentials Spring 2018 Webinar Series, March 2018.

O’Brien, Kelsey. “Metaliteracy Badges and Learning Pathways: Making Collaborative Connections.” Poster presentation delivered at the SUNY Conference on Instructional Technology (CIT), Cortland, NY, May 2018.

O’Brien, Kelsey. “Build Your Own Badges.” Presentation delivered at the Learning with Innovative Technology (LIT) Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY, June 2018.

O’Brien, Kelsey. “Failing Better: Paving Learner Pathways with the Metaliteracy Badging System.” Poster presentation delivered at the 2018 Badge Summit, Chicago, IL, June 2018.

Puzier, Lauren M.
User Experience Librarian

Puzier, Lauren M., and Kate Moss. “Canva for Libraries.” Presentation delivered to the Reference Instruction and Outreach Interest Group, Capital District Library Council (CDLC), Albany, NY, January 2018.

Waterhouse, Janetta L. 
Director of Technical Services & Library Systems

Waterhouse, Janetta L. “Project and Change Management for a Successful LSP Migration.”
Presentation delivered at the ExLibris Northeast User Group (ENUG), Jersey City, NJ, October 2017.

Waterhouse, Janetta L. “Project and Change Management for a Successful LSP Migration.”
Presentation delivered at the SUNY Libraries Consortium Fall Meeting, Albany, NY, December 2017.

Waterhouse, Janetta L. “Project and Change Management for a Successful LSP Migration.”
Presentation delivered at the SUNY Libraries Consortium, online, February 2018.

Waterhouse, Janetta L. “Project and Change Management for a Successful LSP Migration.”
Presentation delivered at the Ex Libris Users of North America (ELUNA), Spokane, WA, May 2018.

Waterhouse, Janetta. “Preparing for Transitions: Leadership and Change Management.” Presentation delivered at the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA) 2018 Annual Conference, Canandaigua, NY, June 2018.

Waterhouse, Janetta, Sara Davenport, and Karen Gardner-Athey. “Supporting Transitions with Comprehensive Professional Development Planning.” Presentation delivered at the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA) 2018 Annual Conference, Canandaigua, NY, June 2018.

West, Wendy L.
Head, Discovery Services

West, Wendy. “Virtual ALCTS 101.” Presentation delivered to new members of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, American Library Association, online, February 2018.


Wiedeman, Gregory
University Archivist

Antracoli, Alexis, Meghan Lyon, Jennifer Sirotkin, and Gregory Wiedeman. “Beyond Finding Aids: New Directions for Archival Description.” Panel presentation delivered at the Society of American Archivists (SAA) Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, July 2017.

Clemens, Alison, and Gregory Wiedeman. “Born-Digital Access Bootcamp.” Workshop presented for the Digital Archivists of Philadelphia, Swarthmore, PA, August 2017.

Keough, Brian, Jodi Boyle, Melissa McMullen, and Greg Wiedeman. “Documenting the Macabre: The National Death Penalty Archive.” Presentation delivered at the Fall 2017 Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, Buffalo, NY, October 2017.

Wiedeman, Gregory. “Data Analytics Approaches for Web Archives.” Presentation delivered at the University at Albany Advanced Data Analytics Lightning Talks Series, Albany, NY, October 2017.

Wiedeman, Gregory, Michael Martin, Jenifer Monger, and Sarah Oswald. “Challenges of Digital Archives at UAlbany.” Panel presentation delivered to the Capital Area Archivists of New York, Albany, NY, October 2017.

Wolfe, Mark D., and Gregory Wiedeman. “Git and GitHub for Libraries.” Presentation delivered at the 2017 New York Library Association (NYLA) Annual Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY, November 2017.

Wiedeman, Gregory. “The Espy Project: Enabling New Access to Archival Materials.” Presentation delivered at the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Spring 2018 Membership Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 2018.

Wiedeman, Gregory. “Born-Digital Records at UAlbany.” Presentation delivered at the Annual New York Archives Conference, Albany, NY, June 2018.

Wolfe, Mark D.
Curator of Digital Collections

Wolfe, Mark D., Ben Goldman, Erik Moore, Helen Wong Smith, and Eira Tansey. “Document, Protect, and Mitigate: New Perspectives on the Role of Archives and the Natural Environment.” Panel presentation delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archivists, Portland, OR, July 2017.

Wolfe, Mark D., and Gregory Wiedeman. “Git and GitHub for Libraries.” Presentation delivered at the 2017 New York Library Association (NYLA) Annual Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY, November 2017.


Faculty Presentations University at Albany Libraries July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017

The faculty of the University at Albany Libraries made the following presentations at professional conferences, seminars and workshops during FY16–17:

Alonso–Regalado, Jesús

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús. “Research-a-thon: Let’s Build a Latin American/Iberian Studies Librarianship Bibliography Together!” Presentation delivered at the annual Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM) Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 2017.

Alonso-Regalado, Jesús, and Adan Griego. “Latin American Studies: Collection Development for Beginners.” Presentation delivered at the annual Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM) Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 2017.

Bobish, Gregory D.

Jacobson, Trudi E., Gregory D. Bobish, Irina I. Holden, Allison Hosier, and Kelsey L. O'Brien. “Creativity, Innovation and Change.” Presentation delivered at the University Libraries’ Professional Activities Committee Program, Albany, NY, April 2017.

Boyle, Jodi

Boyle, Jodi. “Scholars Archive Snapshot: Geological Sciences ETDs.” Presentation delivered at the Open Access Week annual conference, Albany, NY, October 2016.

Boyle, Jodi, and Gregory Wiedeman. “Downtown Campus Walking Tour.” Presentation delivered to the University at Albany Alumni Association, Albany, NY, October 2016.

Boyle, Jodi. “Strike a Better Balance: Retirement Records in Labor Collections.” Presentation delivered at the Researching New York/ Conference on New York State History, Albany, NY, November 2016.

Boyle, Jodi. “Reflections on the Archival Representation Course Practicum.” Presentation delivered at the Annual Spring Conference of the Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries, Loudonville, NY, May 2017.

Boyle, Jodi. “Uptown Campus Walking Tour.” Presentation delivered to the University at Albany Alumni Association/Kappa Delta Sorority Reunion Committee, Albany, NY, June 2017.

Chen, Yu-Hui

Chen, Yu-Hui. "The IR Dilemma: Open Access, Scholarly Communication & the Changing Roles for Libraries." Presentation delivered to the Western New York Library Resources Council, Buffalo, NY, October 2016.

Chen, Yu-Hui. “Helping Graduate Students Successfully Navigate the Doctoral Journey through Collaboration.” Presentation delivered at the Association of College and Research Libraries 2017 Conference, Baltimore, MD, March 2017

Chen, Yu-Hui. “American Libraries.” Presentation delivered at the Southwestern University of Finance & Economics Library, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, June 2017.

Chen, Yu-Hui. “Guidelines for Writing and Submitting Papers to International Conferences and Journals.” Presentation delivered at the Chengdu Sport University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, June 2017.

Chesley, Camille E.

Anantachai, Tarida, and Camille E. Chesley. “Level Up Your Instruction: Creative Approaches to Designing Classroom Games.” Presentation delivered at the Emerging Learning Design Conference, Montclair, NJ, June 2017.

Dickinson, David H.

Dickinson, David H. “Speaking Digitally.” Presentation delivered at the University Libraries' Professional Activities Committee Program, Albany, NY, March 2017.

Germain, Carol A.

Germain, Carol A. “Time for Redundancy.” Workshop delivered to the Capital Region BOCES, Albany, NY, February 2017.

Germain, Carol A. “New York Academic Libraries as Part of the NYLA Sustainability Initiative.” Presentation delivered at the Annual Spring Conference of the Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries, Loudonville, NY, May 2017.

Germain, Carol A. “New York State Fully Funds Its Libraries! Or How to Spot Fake News.” Presentation delivered to the Mohawk Valley Library Association, Schenectady, NY, May 2017.

Germain, Carol A. “New York Academic Libraries as Part of the NYLA Sustainability Initiative.” Presentation delivered at the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA) Annual Conference, Stony Brook, NY, June 2017.

Holden, Irina I.

Jacobson, Trudi E., Gregory D. Bobish, Irina I. Holden, Allison Hosier, and Kelsey L. O'Brien. “Creativity, Innovation and Change.” Presentation delivered at the University Libraries Professional Activities Committee Program, Albany, NY, April 2017.

Holden, Irina I. “Information Literacy in the Disciplines: Mathematics and Statistics.” Presentation delivered at the 2017 Annual conference of the Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU), Edmonton, AB, May 2017.

Hosier, Allison

Hosier, Allison, Amanda Foster, Amy Fyn, and Christina Heady. “Charting a New Course for Credit-Bearing Information Literacy Courses in Higher Education.” Presentation delivered virtually for the Association of College & Research Libraries, February 2017.

Jacobson, Trudi E., Gregory D. Bobish, Irina I. Holden, Allison Hosier, and Kelsey L. O'Brien. “Creativity, Innovation and Change.” Presentation delivered at the University Libraries Professional Activities Committee Program, Albany, NY, April 2017.

Jacobson, Trudi E.

Jacobson, Trudi E. “OER Creation and Learning: The Role of Metaliteracy.” Presentation delivered at the Academic Librarians’ Conference, Syracuse, NY, July 2016.  

Jacobson, Trudi E. “Metaliteracy.” Panel presentation delivered at the University at Albany President’s Forum on the Role of the Arts and Humanities, Albany, NY, February 2017.

Affinito, Stephanie A., Trudi E. Jacobson, and Kelsey L. O'Brien. “What’s an IITG Grant, and How Can I Get One?” Panel presentation delivered at the University at Albany’s Institute for Teaching, Learning and Academic Leadership (ITLAL), Albany, NY, February 2017.

Jacobson, Trudi E. “New Frameworks and New Opportunities in Information Literacy.” Presentation delivered at the International Conference on Changing Landscape of Science & Technology Libraries, Gandhinagar, GJ, March 2017.

Mackey, Thomas P., and Trudi E. Jacobson. “Metaliteracy as an Empowering Model for Teaching Mobile and Social Learners.” Presentation delivered virtually at Semana del Aprendizaje Móvil (Mobile Learning Week), San Juan, PR, March 2017.

Jacobson, Trudi E. “Information Literacy/Metaliteracy.” Panel presentation delivered at the University at Albany’s Fake News Panel Discussion, Albany, NY, March 2017. 

Jacobson, Trudi E., Gregory D. Bobish, Irina I. Holden, Allison Hosier, and Kelsey L. O'Brien. “Creativity, Innovation and Change.” Presentation delivered at the University Libraries’ Professional Activities Committee Program, Albany, NY, April 2017.

Jacobson, Trudi E., and Kelsey L. O'Brien. “Teach the Teachers, Reach the Students: Badging for Digital Citizenship.” Presentation delivered at the Annual Conference of the Library Orientation Exchange (LOEX), Lexington, KY, May 2017.

Mackey, Thomas P., Trudi E. Jacobson, Kelsey O’Brien, and Michele Forte. “Don’t Stop Believin’: Exploring A Collaborative Journey of Hybrid MOOC Design.” Presentation delivered at the Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT), Oneonta, NY, May–June 2017.

Jacobson, Trudi E., Kelsey O’Brien, Doug Sweet, and Mary Ellen Mallia. “Exploring Digital Badging for Metaliteracy, Sustainability and Student Engagement: A Multi-Faceted Approach at the University at Albany.” Presentation delivered at the Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT), Oneonta, NY, May–June 2017. 

Affinito, Stephanie, Trudi E. Jacobson, Kelsey O’Brien, Michele Forte, and Karen Gardner-Athey. “Metaliteracy Badging Meets Teacher Education: Collaborative Customization for Open SUNY.” Presentation delivered at the Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT), Oneonta, NY, May–June 2017. 

Hamilton,Diane, Debra Gelinas, Trudi E. Jacobson, Kenneth Lindblom, and Kelsey O'Brien. “Microcredentialing as Life-Changing Capital? Help Figure It Out!” Presentation delivered at the Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT), Oneonta, NY, May–June 2017. 

Kessler, Jane

Kessler, Jane. “Let’s Chat: Implementing Proactive Chat at the University at Albany.” Presentation delivered at the Annual Spring Conference of the Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries, Loudonville, NY, May 2017.

LaFond, Deborah

LaFond, Deborah M. “Engaging at the Intersections: Growing a Campus Collaborative Transformation Network Through Dialogue, Transformative Learning and Anti-Oppression Pedagogy.” Poster presented at the XII International Transformative Learning Conference, Tacoma, WA, October2016.

LaFond, Deborah M. “Assessing Impacts of Feminist Critical Information Literacy and Campus ‘Diversity’ Pedagogy: Towards Transformative Learning and Teaching Based on Anti-Oppression Pedagogy and Decoloniality.” Poster presented at the Department of Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino Studies (LACS) Graduate Student Conference, Albany, NY, March 2017. 

Lasda, Elaine

Lasda Bergman, Elaine. "Research Impact Roadshow.” Presentation delivered at the National Institutes of Health’s 2016 Bibliometrics and Research Assessment: A Symposium for Librarians and Information Professionals, Bethesda, MD, October 2016.

Lasda, Elaine M. “Configuring Zotero for Faculty.” Workshop delivered to University at Albany’s Department of History, Albany, NY, October 2016.

Lasda, Elaine M. “Getting Fancy With Your Library Data.” Paper delivered at the New York Library Association (NYLA) Annual Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY, November 2016.

Lasda, Elaine M. “Early Career Strategies to Maximize Research Impact.” Presentation delivered at the University at Albany’s Institute for Teaching, Learning, and Academic Leadership (ITLAL), Albany, NY, February 2017.

Lasda, Elaine M. “Research Data Management Assistance for Open/Public Access.” Presentation delivered at the University at Albany’s Division of Research, Advanced Data Analytics Lightning Talks, Albany, NY, April 2017.

Lasda, Elaine, and Richard Hulser. “From Reputation to Citation: Varying Roles for Scholarly Metrics.” Panel presentation delivered at theSpecial Libraries Association (SLA) 2017 Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, June 2017.

Lasda, Elaine. “Altmetrics & Scholarly Publishing: The Library Lay of the Land.” Presentation delivered at the Society for Scholarly Publishing(SSP) 39th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, June 2017.

Nous, Rebecca

Nous, Rebecca. “Technical Services Interest Group.” Presentation delivered at the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA) Annual Conference, June 2017.

 O'Brien, Kelsey L.

Affinito, Stephanie A., Kelsey L. O'Brien, and Trudi E. Jacobson. “Scaling the Metaliteracy Badging System for Open SUNY: Collaborative Customization for Teacher Education Programs.” Presentation delivered at the University at Albany’s School of Education Day, September 2016.

Affinito, Stephanie A., Trudi E. Jacobson, and Kelsey L. O'Brien. “What’s an IITG Grant, and How Can I Get One?” Panel presentation delivered at the University at Albany’s Institute for Teaching, Learning and Academic Leadership (ITLAL), Albany, NY, February 2017.

Jacobson, Trudi E., Gregory D. Bobish, Irina I. Holden, Allison Hosier, and Kelsey L. O'Brien. “Creativity, Innovation and Change.” Presentation delivered at the University Libraries’ Professional Activities Committee Program, Albany, NY, April 2017.

O’Brien, Kelsey. “Promoting Collaborative Instruction with the Metaliteracy Badging System.” Poster presented at the Annual Spring Conference of the Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries, Loudonville, NY, May 2017. 

Jacobson, Trudi E., and Kelsey L. O'Brien. “Teach the Teachers, Reach the Students: Badging for Digital Citizenship.” Presentation delivered at the Annual Conference of the Library Orientation Exchange (LOEX), Lexington, KY, May 2017.

Jacobson, Trudi E., Kelsey O’Brien, Doug Sweet, and Mary Ellen Mallia. “Exploring Digital Badging for Metaliteracy, Sustainability and Student Engagement: A Multi-Faceted Approach at the University at Albany.” Presentation delivered at the Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT), Oneonta, NY, May–June 2017. 

Affinito, Stephanie, Trudi E. Jacobson, Kelsey O’Brien, Michele Forte, and Karen Gardner-Athey. “Metaliteracy Badging Meets Teacher Education: Collaborative Customization for Open SUNY.” Presentation delivered at the Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT), Oneonta, NY, May–June 2017. 

Hamilton,Diane, Debra Gelinas, Trudi E. Jacobson, Kenneth Lindblom, and Kelsey O'Brien. “Microcredentialing as Life-Changing Capital? Help Figure It Out!” Presentation delivered at the Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT), Oneonta, NY, May–June 2017. 

Mackey, Thomas P., Trudi E. Jacobson, Kelsey O’Brien, and Michele Forte. “Don’t Stop Believin’: Exploring A Collaborative Journey of Hybrid MOOC Design.” Presentation delivered at the Conference on Instruction & Technology (CIT), Oneonta, NY, May–June 2017.

O'Brien, Kelsey L. “Metaliteracy Badging System at the University at Albany.” Presentation delivered at the Library Information and Technology Association (LITA) Game Making Interest Group at the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, June 2017. 

Poehlmann, Nancy

Smathers, Jennifer, Megan Coder, Laura Evans, Jen Frys, Katie Jezik, Gail Pawlowski, and Nancy Poehlmann. “Preparing for the SUNY Library Services Platform.” Report presented to the SUNY Metadata Policies and Standards Committee at the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA) Annual Conference, Stony Brook, NY, June 2017.

Puzier, Lauren M.

Puzier, Lauren, and Megan Koza Mitchell. “Defining Your Online Presence for the Arts Professional.” Presentation delivered at the 105th Annual Conference of the College Art Association, New York, NY, February 2017.

Puzier, Lauren, and Tyler Norton. “Collect Them All: Helping Students Find Their Subject Librarians with Bitmojis.” Presentation delivered at the Annual Spring Conference of the Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries, Loudonville, NY, May 2017.

Puzier, Lauren M., and Tyler Norton. “Collect Them All: Subject Librarian Trading Cards.” Presentation delivered to the Subject Librarians at the University at Albany Libraries, Albany, NY, June 2017. 

Wiedeman, Gregory

Yarmey, Kristen, Ed Busch, Chris Prom, Molly Tighe, and Gregory Wiedeman “From 0 to 400 GB: Confronting the Challenges of Born-Digital Photographs.” Presentation delivered at the Joint Annual Meeting of the Council of State Archivists (CoSA), National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA), and the Society of American Archivists (SAA), Atlanta, GA, August 2016.

Wiedeman, Gregory. “Automating Web Archives Records in ArchivesSpace.” Presentation delivered at the 2016 Archive-It Partner Meeting, Atlanta, GA. August 2016.

Wiedeman, Gregory. “Automating Web Archives Records in ASpace.” Presentation delivered at the Mid-Atlantic ArchivesSpace Interest Group Skill Share, Philadelphia, PA. October 2016.

Boyle, Jodi, and Gregory Wiedeman. “Downtown Campus Walking Tour.” Presentation delivered to the University at Albany Alumni Association, Albany, NY, October 2016.

Wiedeman, Gregory. “APIs, WARCS, and NPL: How Technology has Created New Opportunities for Historical Research.” Presentation delivered at the Researching New York/ Conference on New York State History, Albany, NY, November 2016.

Wiedeman, Gregory. “No More Finding Aids: A New Frontend for Special Collections & Archives at UAlbany.” Presentation delivered at the 2016 New England Code4Lib Conference, Amherst, MA, December 2016.

Wiedeman, Gregory. “Automating Web Archives Records in ASpace: A Sustainable, Large-Scale, Minimal Approach.” Presentation delivered at the Internet Archive’s National Symposium on Web Archiving Interoperability, San Francisco, CA, February 2017.

Webb, Nicholas, David Kay, Tamar Zeffren, Greg Wiedeman, Liza Harrell-Edge, and Susan Malsbury. “How is a Digital Archivist (Not) Like an IT Professional?” Panel presentation delivered at the Spring Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC), Newark, NJ, April 2017.

Joyce, Deirdre, Ethan Gruber, Jen Palmentiero, Laura Streett, and Greg Wiedeman. “Empire Archival Discovery Cooperative.” Panel presentation delivered at the Spring Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC), Newark, NJ, April 2017.

Wiedeman, Gregory. “Automating Access to Web Archives with APIs and ArchivesSpace.” Presentation delivered at the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) Web Archiving Conference, London, UK, June 2017.

Wiedeman, Gregory. “Providing Basic Access to Web Archives Provenance Data.” Presentation delivered at the Archives Unleashed 4.0 Web Archive Datathon, London, UK. June 2017.

Wiedeman, Gregory, Mindaugas Vidmantas, Peter Webster, Kees Teszelszky, and Richard Deswarte. “Link Ranking.” Winning Project Presentation delivered at the Archives Unleashed 4.0 Web Archive Datathon, London, UK. June 2017.

Wolfe, Mark D.

Wolfe, Mark D. “Doing More with Less: Jevons’ Paradox and Its Pernicious Effects on the Archival Profession and the Environment.” Presentation delivered at Libraries and Archives in the Anthropocene: A Colloquium, New York, NY, May 2017.

Wolfe, Mark D., David P. Hochfelder, Paul Schacht, and Peter MacDonald. “Digital Humanities in the Archives.” Presentation delivered at the New York Archives Conference (NYAC), Utica, NY, June 2017.

Faculty Presentations University at Albany Libraries July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016

The faculty of the University at Albany Libraries made the following presentations at professional conferences, seminars and workshops during FY15–16:

Alonso–Regalado, Jesus

Alonso–Regalado, Jesus. "Exploring the Landscape of Open Access Videos in Chile and Argentina.” Paper presented at the XXXIV International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, New York, NY, May 2016.

Alonso–Regalado, Jesus. "Audiovisual Heritage and Memory in Chile." Paper presented at the SALALM LXI conference, Charlottesville, VA, May 2016.

Bobish, Gregory D.

O'Brien, Kelsey, Trudi E. Jacobson, Gregory D. Bobish, Allison Hosier, and Irina I Holden. "Badging for the ACRL Framework." Poster presented at the Engaging with the ACRL Information Literacy Framework conference, Albany, NY, March 2016.

Boyle, Jodi

Boyle, Jodi. "More Than the 40-Hour Work Week: A New Look at Labor Records.” Paper presented at the New York Archives Conference, Plattsburgh, NY, June 2016.

Boyle, Jodi, Brittany Frederick, Justin Holzer. "1960s & 70s Social Movements at College Campuses: Sharing Stories Through Digital Mediums." Paper presented at the Researching New York/Conference on New York State History, Albany, NY, November 2015.

Chen, Yu-Hui

Chen, Yu-Hui. "IR Practices in ARL Libraries." Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association, Binghamton, NY, June 2016.

Chen, Yu-Hui. "Institutional Repositories in Research Libraries." Poster presented at the Annual Spring Conference of the Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries, Saratoga Springs, NY, May 2016.

Chen, Yu-Hui, "Publishing Labs in ARL Academic Libraries." Paper presented at the annual conference of Computers in Libraries, Washington, D.C., March 2016.

Chen, Yu-Hui. "Academic Libraries in the 21st Century." Paper presented at the Guangxi Normal University Library, Guilin, China, July 2015.

Germain, Carol A.

Lowe, Amanda M., and Carol A. Germain. "If We Can Program the Way We Want to.." Session presented at the Annual Conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association, Binghamton, NY, June 2016.

Germain, Carol A., and Laurie Dreyer. “Creative Energies for Library Programming.” Workshop presented to the Capital Area Library Assistants, Capital District Library Council, Albany, NY, November 2015.

Germain, Carol A. “Hot Topics in Academic & Special Libraries! Repurposing Library Spaces.” Presentation delivered at the Annual Conference of the New York Library Association, Lake Placid, NY, October 2015.

Germain, Carol A. "Library Website Usability and Design Class." Continuing education class delivered at the Southeastern New York Library Resources Council, New Paltz, NY, September 2015.

Guyon, Jean

Guyon, Jean P. “Library Profession Informational.” Participant in panel discussion held by the Information Science Student Association, University at Albany, Albany, NY, November 2015.

Guyon, Jean P. "Capital Area Library Assistants—CALA." Presentation delivered at the Second Annual Library Programs2 Symposium, Albany, NY, October 2015.

Holden, Irina I.

Holden, Irina I. "Teaching Digital." Paper delivered at the annual Spring Conference of the Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries, Saratoga Springs, NY, May 2016.

O'Brien, Kelsey, Trudi E. Jacobson, Gregory D. Bobish, Allison Hosier, and Irina I Holden. "Badging for the ACRL Framework." Poster presented at the Engaging with the ACRL Information Literacy Framework conference, Albany, NY, March 2016.

Holden, Irina I. "Teaching Information Literacy in Mathematics and Statistics: A New Course, UNL 299." Presentation delivered online, Science & Technology Section Information Literacy Committee, Association of College & Research Libraries, March 2016.

Hosier, Allison

Hosier, Allison. "Creating a Framework Tutorial: A Transformative Experience.” Paper presented at the 44th Annual LOEX Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2016.

O'Brien, Kelsey, Trudi E. Jacobson, Gregory D. Bobish, Allison Hosier, and Irina I Holden. "Badging for the ACRL Framework." Poster presented at the Engaging with the ACRL Information Literacy Framework conference, Albany, NY, March 2016.

Hosier, Allison. "Teaching Information Literacy Through ‘Un-Research’.” Paper delivered at Librarian Professional Development Day, Troy, NY, January 2016.

Jacobson, Trudi E.

Jacobson, Trudi E. "Envisioning the Possibilities: Educational Trends and Information Literacy in Academic Libraries." Keynote address delivered at the 3er Congreso de Bibliotecas Universitarias y Especializadas, Santiago, Chile, June 2016.

O'Brien, Kelsey L., and Trudi E Jacobson. "Exploring Digital Badging: The What, Why and Some of the How." Workshop delivered at the Central New York Library Resources Council, Syracuse, NY, April 2016.

Jacobson, Trudi E. "Grappling with the ACRL Framework." Keynote address delivered at the Engaging with the ACRL Information Literacy Framework conference, Albany, NY, March 2016.

O'Brien, Kelsey, Trudi E. Jacobson, Gregory D. Bobish, Allison Hosier, and Irina I Holden. "Badging for the ACRL Framework." Poster presented at the Engaging with the ACRL Information Literacy Framework conference, Albany, NY, March 2016.

O'Brien, Kelsey L., Trudi E Jacobson, and Jenna Pitera. "The Power of Open: SUNY Open Education Initiatives." Online presentation delivered at Open Education Week 2016 @ SBU, Stony Brook, NY, March 2016.

O'Brien, Kelsey L., and Trudi E., Jacobson. "The Open SUNY Metaliteracy Badging System: Envisioning Connections with E-Portfolios." Online presentation delivered to the Badges in Higher Education Working Group, Badge Alliance, December 2015.

Jacobson, Trudi E. "Framing the Framework." Workshop presented for Frames in the Classroom: Teaming up for Success, Rochester Regional Library Council, Fairport, NY, October 2015.

Kearney, Ann

Kearney, Ann C., and Martha Horan. “Studying Current Trends in Preservation Education and Employment.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Library Association, Orlando, FL, June 2016. 

Keough, Brian

Keough, Brian. "The Civil Rights Movement in Albany, 1945-1965." Presentation delivered to the Friends of the New York State Library, Albany, NY, February 2016.

Keough, Brian. "The Civil Rights Movement in Albany, 1945-1965." Presentation delivered to the Albany Institute of History and Art, Albany, NY, January 2016.

Keough, Brian. “Writing History/Writing Biography: A Conversation with Richard Norton Smith.” Paper presented at the Researching New York/Conference on New York State History, Albany, NY, November 2015.

Keough, Brian. "Developing a Strategy for Insuring the Value of State Legislator Papers." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Society of American Archivists, Cleveland, OH, August 2015.

Kessler, Jane

Kessler, Jane. "Selecting and Ordering eBooks: One Library’s Workflow using YBP’s Gobi Interface." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association, Binghamton, NY, June 2016.

LaFond, Deborah

LaFond, Deborah M. "Eradicating School-to-Prison Pipeline Mindsets and Deficit Based Curriculum Models: Decolonizing Strategies Used to Approach ‘Indigeneity’ with Pre-Service Teachers." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Justice Studies Association, Albany, NY, June 2016.

LaFond, Deborah M. "How Well Do Information Literacy Frameworks Encourage Critical Feminist Questions and Excavations of Untold or Buried Stories?" Paper presented at the Engaging with the ACRL Information Literacy Framework conference, Albany, NY, March 2016.

LaFond, Deborah M., and Deborah Chapin. "Transformative Learning Lesson Plans and Course Re-Design: Toward Just, Equitable, Visions of Sustainability." Paper presented at Continuing Critical Conversations Through Transformative Teaching and Learning conference, Albany, NY, January 2016.

Chapin, Deborah, and Deborah M. LaFond. "Whose Development? The Story of Mike: A Case Study Used to Question, De-Construct, Interrupt, and Transform, Inherited Deficit Models in Mainstream Education and Child Development Praxis. Paper delivered at Continuing Critical Conversations Through Transformative Teaching and Learning conference, Albany, NY, January 2016.

LaFond, Deborah M., and Stefanie Kaylor. "Rape Culture, Title IX and Campus Sexual Assault Policies: Feminist Information Literacy Frameworks to Support Faculty and Student Discernment." Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Capital District Feminist Studies Conference, January 2016.

LaFond, Deborah M., and Marium Khan. "Levels of Acculturative Stress Among South Asian Students and Their Experience Interacting with Mental Health Counselors.” Paper presented at Educational Psychology Diversity Conference, Albany,NY, September 2015.

Lasda Bergman, Elaine

Lasda Bergman, Elaine. "Teaching Data Literacy to Undergraduates." Paper presented at the Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, June 2016.

Van Berkom, Lindsay, and Elaine Lasda Bergman. “If You Build It, Will They Come? Collateral Benefits of Changing Strategies to Facilitate Faculty Participation in a Campus IR.” Poster presented at the Annual Spring Conference of the Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries, Saratoga Springs, NY, May 2016.

Lowe, Amanda M.

Lowe, Amanda M. "Helping Students Stress Less About Finals @ Your Academic Library." Paper presented at the Urban Librarians Unite (ULU) Online Webinar, March 2016.

Lowe, Amanda M., and Carol A. Germain. "If We Can Program the Way We Want to..." Session presented at the Annual Conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association, Binghamton, NY, June 2016.

Mugridge, Rebecca L.

Mugridge, Rebecca. "Advocating for Technical Services: The Power of Assessment." Paper presented at the Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians 2016 Conference, Louisville, KY, May 2016.

Nous, Rebecca

Nous, Rebecca, and Wendy West. "Read Between the Lines: Marketing Graphic Novels.” Session presented at the Annual Conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association, Binghamton, NY, June 2016.

Nous, Rebecca, and Wendy West. "ALCTS Research, Writing, and Publishing Fair: Writing & Productivity. Presentation delivered at the American Library Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, June 2016.

O'Brien, Kelsey L.

O'Brien, Kelsey L., and Trudi E. Jacobson. "Exploring Digital Badging: The What, Why and Some of the How." Workshop presented at the Central New York Library Resources Council (CLRC), Syracuse, NY, April 2016.

O'Brien, Kelsey, Trudi E. Jacobson, Gregory D. Bobish, Allison Hosier, and Irina I Holden. "Badging for the ACRL Framework." Poster presented at the Engaging with the ACRL Information Literacy Framework conference, Albany, NY, March 2016.

O'Brien, Kelsey L. "Learner as Teacher and Teacher as Learner: Designing Metaliteracy MOOCs on Three Different Platforms." Presentation delivered Learning With MOOCs II—2015, New York, NY, October 2015.

O'Brien, Kelsey L., Trudi E Jacobson, and Jenna Pitera. "The Power of Open: SUNY Open Education Initiatives." Online presentation delivered at Open Education Week 2016 @ SBU, Stony Brook, NY, March 2016.

O'Brien, Kelsey L., and Trudi E., Jacobson. "The Open SUNY Metaliteracy Badging System: Envisioning Connections with E-Portfolios." Online presentation delivered to the Badges in Higher Education Working Group, Badge Alliance, December 2015.

Van Berkom, Lindsay

Van Berkom, Lindsay, and Elaine Lasda Bergman. “If You Build It, Will They Come? Collateral Benefits of Changing Strategies to Facilitate Faculty Participation in a Campus IR.” Poster presented at the Annual Spring Conference of the Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries, Saratoga Springs, NY, May 2016.

West, Wendy L.

Nous, Rebecca, and Wendy West. "Read Between the Lines: Marketing Graphic Novels.” Session presented at the Annual Conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association, Binghamton, NY, June 2016.

Nous, Rebecca, and Wendy West. "ALCTS Research, Writing, and Publishing Fair: Writing & Productivity. Presentation delivered at the American Library Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, June 2016.

Wiedeman, Gregory

Wiedeman, Gregory. "Transferring Digital Records to the Archives with ANTS." Paper presented at the Code4Lib 2016 conference, Philadelphia, PA, March 2016.

Wiedeman, Gregory. "Mass Digitization on Demand: Automation and Terrible Metadata." Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO) Annual Conference 2016, New York, NY, January 2016.

Wiedeman, Gregory. "Marcia Brown at the State College for Teachers (1936-1940)." Paper presented at the Celebrating the Life of an Artist: Marcia Brown, Class of 1940, (1919-2015) conference, Albany, NY, April 2016.

Wolfe, Mark D.

Wolfe, Mark D. "Speed Mentoring." Session delivered at the New York Archives Conference, Plattsburgh, NY, June 2016.

Wolfe, Mark D. “From Nimble to Brittle: Complexity and its Surprising Costs to Libraries." Poster presented at the Annual Spring Conference of the Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries, Saratoga Springs, NY, May 2016.

Faculty Presentations University at Albany Libraries July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015

The faculty of the University at Albany Libraries made the following presentations at professional conferences, seminars and workshops during FY14-15:

Alonso-Regalado, Jesus

Presenter & Author

Alonso-Regalado, Jesus. "Crowdfunding and Collection Development: Opportunities for Academic Libraries in Kickstarter."  Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM), Princeton, NJ, June  2015.

Anderson, Carol L.

Presenter & Author

Kessler, Jane, Carol L. Anderson. "Developing an E-strategy: Digital Reference and Virtual Branches.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the New York Library Association (NYLA), Saratoga Springs, NY, November 2014.

Bobish, Gregory D.

Presenter & Author

Bobish, Gregory D. "On-again, off-again."  Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA), Purchase, NY, June 2015.

Boyle, Jodi

Presenter & Author

Boyle, Jodi. "Nurturing Nature: Many Perspectives of James Bay II."  Paper presented at the Spring 2015 Joint Meeting of New England Archivists & Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC), Boston, MA, March 2015.

Boyle, Jodi.  "The Woman's Club of Albany Records: An Update." Paper presented at Member Monday, The Woman's Club of Albany, Albany, NY, March 2015.

Boyle, Jodi,  Brian Keough. "Downtown Campus Walking Tour." Paper presented at UAlbany 2014 Homecoming Weekend, University at Albany, Albany, NY, October 2014.

Boyle, Jodi. "EAD: Your Work is Never Done!" Paper presented at Special Collections Roundtable of Upstate New York, NY3Rs Association, Albany, NY, September 2014.

Chen, Yu-Hui

Presenter & Author

Chen, Yu-Hui. "Supporting Colleagues and Ourselves to Grow Professionally Through Mentoring and Beyond."  Paper delivered at the Annual Conference of the Eastern New York chapter, Association of College & Research Libraries (ENY/ACRL), Binghamton, NY, May 2015.

Chen, Yu-Hui, Mary VanUllen. "Spicing It Up in Sichuan: Active Learning in a Social Science Research Methods Course." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), Portland, OR, March 2015.

Doubleday, Brian

Presenter & Author

Doubleday, Brian. "Library Finance & Budget: Questions & Answers." Presentation delivered to Library Policy Group, University at Albany, Albany, NY, January 2015.

Doubleday, Brian. "Library Budget Reports, Databases & Accounts." Presentation delivered to Library Policy Group, University at Albany, Albany, NY, January 2015.

Doubleday, Brian. "Library Budget Officer Roles & Responsibilities." Presentation delivered to Library Policy Group, University at Albany, Albany, NY, December 2014.

Germain, Carol A.

Presenter & Author

Germain, Carol A., Dreyer, Laurie. "Creative Energies for Library Programming."  Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA), Purchase, NY, June 2015.

Germain, Carol A. "Resumes and CVs."  Paper presented to the Student Chapter of the American Library Association - University at Albany (SCALA), Albany, NY, March 2015.

Germain, Carol A. "Exploring New Territory for Collective Impact.” Paper presented at the Archives and Library Leadership Network (ALLN) of New York City, New York, NY November 2014.

Germain, Carol A. "Librarian Speakers' Panel." Paper presented to the Student Chapter of the American Library Association - University at Albany (SCALA), Albany, NY October 2014.

Holden, Irina I.

Presenter & Author

Holden, Irina I. "Using Team-Based Learning (TBL) to Teach Information Literacy." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Workshop in Instruction in Library Use (WILU), St. John's, NL, Canada, June 2015.

Holden, Irina I.  "Librarians for Sustainability: Notes from the Classroom about Designing and Implementing a Freshman Seminar Connecting the Concepts of Science Literacy and Sustainability." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Professional Academic Librarians (CAPAL), Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 2015.

Hosier, Allison

Presenter & Author

Hosier, Allison. "Creating Effective Group Activities Using the 4S Structure." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA), Purchase, NY, June 2015.

Hosier, Allison. "Teaching Information Literacy Through ‘Un-Research’."  Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA), Purchase, NY, June 2015.

O'Brien, Kelsey L., Trudi E Jacobson, Allison Hosier, Jenna Pitera, Tom Mackey, Kathleen Stone,  Michele Forte, Amy McQuigge. "Designing Innovative Online Learning: An Investigation of Digital Badges Integration with Two MOOC Platforms."  Paper presented at the Conference on Instruction and Technology (CIT), SUNY FACT2, Geneseo, NY, May 2015.


O'Brien, Kelsey, Tom Mackey, Trudi E.Jacobson, Michele Forte, Kathleen Stone, Allison Hosier, Jenna Pitera,  Amy McQuigge.  "Designing Innovative Online Learning: An Investigation of Digital Badges Integration with Two MOOC Platforms."  Panelist at Conference on Instruction and Technology (CIT), SUNY FACT2, Geneseo, NY, May 2015.

Jacobson, Trudi E.

Presenter & Author

Jacobson, Trudi E. "The ACRL Information Literacy Framework for Higher Education." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Conference of Chief Librarians of Public Higher Educational Institutions (MACCLPHEI), Salem, MA, June 2015.

O'Brien, Kelsey L., Trudi E Jacobson, Allison Hosier, Jenna Pitera, Tom Mackey, Kathleen Stone, Michele Forte, Amy  McQuigge. "Designing Innovative Online Learning: An Investigation of Digital Badges Integration with Two MOOC Platforms,"  Paper presented at the Conference on Instruction and Technology (CIT), SUNY FACT2, Geneseo, NY, May 2015.

Jacobson, Trudi E., Craig Gibson.  "The New ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education."  Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Texas Library Association, Austin, Texas, April 2015.

Jacobson, Trudi E., Kelsey L. O'Brien. "Developing a Digital Badging System for Metaliteracy.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC), Newcastle upon Tyne, England, April 2015.

Jacobson, Trudi E. "ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.” Presentation delivered at the Annual Conference of the New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries, New York, NY, October 2014.


Jacobson, Trudi E., Craig Gibson. "Engaging with the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy” Presentation delivered at the Georgia Library Association, May 2015. (webinar).

Jacobson, Trudi E., Craig Gibson. "Reframing Information Literacy." Presentation delivered at the Texas Library Association, Austin, Texas, April 2015.

Jacobson, Trudi E., Kelsey O'Brien. "Developing a Digital Badging System for Metaliteracy."  Presentation delivered at the Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC),Newcastle upon Tyne, England, April 2015.

Rimland, Emily, Cynthia Ippoliti, Kelsey O'Brien, Trudi Jacobson. "Put a Badge on It.” Presentation delivered at the Digital Badges Interest Group, Association of College & Research Libraries, February 2015. (webinar).


O'Brien, Kelsey, Tom Mackey, Trudi E. Jacobson, Michele Forte, Kathleen Stone, Allison Hosier,  Jenna Pitera, Amy McQuigge. "Designing Innovative Online Learning: An Investigation of Digital Badges Integration with Two MOOC Platforms."  Panelist at Conference on Instruction and Technology (CIT), SUNY FACT2, Geneseo, NY, May 2015.


Jacobson, Trudi E. "Incorporating the Framework in Distance Learning." Organized professional online workshop, Distance Learning Section Group, Academic & College Research Libraries, May 2015.

Jacobson, Trudi E. "ACRL's Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education." Organized professional workshop, University of Vermont, Champlain College, St. Michael's College, Burlington, VT, March 2015.

Jacobson, Trudi E. "ACRL's Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.”  Organized professional workshop at meeting of Westchester Academic Library Directors Organization (WALDO), Bronx, NY, March 2015.

Keough, Brian

Presenter & Author

Keough, Brian. “Poverty Warriors: Social Welfare and Community Action in Syracuse, New York, 1957-1967.” Paper presented at Conference on New York State History, Lewiston, NY, June 2015.

Keough, Brian. "Neighborhood Organizing in Albany, NY, 1960-1965." Paper presented at Albany City Hall, Albany, NY, February 2015.

Boyle, Jodi, Brian Keough. "Downtown Campus Walking Tour."  Paper presented at UAlbany 2014 Homecoming Weekend, University at Albany, Albany, NY, October 2014.

Keough, Brian. “Genealogy Sources at Colleges and Universities.” Paper presented at Genealogy Day, Schenectady County Historical Society, Schenectady, NY, October 2014.

Kessler, Jane

Presenter & Author

Kessler, Jane, Carol Anderson. "Developing an E-Strategy: Digital Reference and Virtual Branches." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the New York Library Association (NYLA), Saratoga Springs, NY, November 2014.

LaFond, Deborah

Presenter & Author

LaFond, Deborah M.  "Critical Literacies and Interdisciplinary Partnerships: The Necessity for Imagination, Visions of Justice, Equity, Transformative Learning, and Sustainable Futures within Pre-service Teacher Training and Educational Psychology." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Justice Studies Association, Bridgewater, MA, May 2015.

LaFond, Deborah M., Deborah Chapin. "Growing Culturally Relevant Curriculum: Examining Disparity and Envisioning Just, Equitable Sustainable Futures." Paper presented at the Annual Earth and Wellness Day, Office of Sustainability, University at Albany, Albany, NY, April 2015.

LaFond, Deborah M. "Interrupting and De-Colonizing Education Pedagogy:  Introducing Indigenous Perspectives on 'Child Development' to Preservice Teachers." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the New York African Studies Association (NYASA), Schenectady, New York, April 2015.

LaFond, Deborah M., Deborah Chapin. "Confronting Erasure and Dominant Culture's Hold on Curriculum: Teaching Intercultural Praxis and Critical Literacies in Preservice Teacher Training -- to Transform "Deficit Construction" and Move Toward Envisioning Just, Equitable, Sustainable Futures." Paper presented at the Annual Transformative Learning Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, March 2015.

LaFond, Deborah M., Deborah Chapin. "Critical Alliances: Examining Transformative Learning & Teaching Outcomes in Educational Psychology." Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Capital District Feminist Studies Conference, Albany, NY, January 2015.

Lasda Bergman, Elaine

Presenter & Author

Lasda Bergman, Elaine. "Obstacles to Good Customer Service." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the New York Library Association (NYLA), Saratoga Springs, NY, November 2014.

Lasda Bergman, Elaine. "Be a Databrarian! Data Mining for Libraries." Paper presented at the Midwinter Conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA), January 2015. (webinar).

Latal, Katherine

Presenter & Author

Mugridge, Rebecca, Nancy Poehlmann, Wendy West, Katherine Latal. "Internal Customer Service Assessment of Cataloging, Acquisitions, and Library Systems." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA), Purchase, NY, June 2015.

Lipera, Roger

Presenter & Author

Lipera, Roger. "Web Inspection: Does Your Site Work for You and Your Business?" Presentation delivered to the Guilderland Chamber of Commerce, Guilderland, NY.

McLaughlin, Jean

Presenter & Author

McLaughlin, Jean. "Reference Spaces: Assessing our PAWS Research Consultations." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the New England Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL/NEC), Worcester, MA, May 2015.

Mugridge, Rebecca L.

Presenter & Author

Mugridge, Rebecca, Nancy Poehlmann, Wendy West, Katherine Latal. "Internal Customer Service  Assessment of Cataloging, Acquisitions, and Library Systems."  Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA), Purchase, NY, June 2015.

Mugridge, Rebecca. "Common Cause: Using Assessment to Advocate for Technical Services." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Northern Ohio Technical Services Librarians, Cleveland, Ohio, April 2015.

Mugridge, Rebecca. "ALCTS 101." Paper presented at the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS), American Library Association, March 2015. (webinar).

Nous, Rebecca

Presenter & Author

Nous, Rebecca, Wendy West. "Technical Services Interest Group." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA), Purchase, NY, June 2015.

Nous, Rebecca, Wendy West. "Go Team! Using Teams to Manage Electronic Resources." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ENY/ACRL), Binghamton, NY, May 2015.

O'Brien, Kelsey L.

Presenter & Author

O'Brien, Kelsey L., Trudi E. Jacobson, Allison Hosier, Jenna Pitera, Tom Mackey, Kathleen Stone, Michele Forte, Amy McQuigge. "Designing Innovative Online Learning: An Investigation of Digital Badges Integration with Two MOOC Platforms." Paper presented at the Conference on Instruction and Technology (CIT), Geneseo, NY, May 2015.

Jacobson, Trudi E., Kelsey L O'Brien. "Developing a Digital Badging System for Metaliteracy." Paper presented at the Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC), Newcastle upon Tyne, England, April 2015.

Pitera, Jenna, Kelsey L. O'Brien. "Using Badging as an Open Educational Resource." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the NorthEast Regional Computing Program (NERCOMP), Educause, Providence, RI, March 2015.


Rimland, Emily, Cynthia Ippoliti, Kelsey O'Brien, Trudi Jacobson. "Put a Badge on It.". Presentation delivered at the Digital Badges Interest Group, Association of College & Research Libraries, February 2015. (webinar).

Poehlmann, Nancy

Presenter & Author

Mugridge, Rebecca, Nancy Poehlmann, Wendy West, Katherine Latal. "Internal Customer Service Assessment of Cataloging, Acquisitions, and Library Systems." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA), Purchase, NY, June 2015.

Poehlmann, Nancy. "E-book Cataloging Using a Shared Mailbox." ALCTS Webinars.  Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS), American Library Association, March 2015. http://www.ala.org/alcts/confevents/upcoming/webinar/031615

Stanwicks, Kabel

Presenter & Author

Stanwicks, Kabel Nathan. "Enhancing Access to Music Resources and Validating the FRBR Entity-Relationship Model through User Categorization." Poster presented at CCI Day, University at Albany, Albany, NY, April 2015.

VanUllen, Mary

Presenter & Author

Chen, Yu-Hui, Mary VanUllen. "Spicing It Up in Sichuan: Active Learning in a Social Science Research Methods Course." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL), Portland, OR, March 2015.

West, Wendy L.

Presenter & Author

Nous, Rebecca, Wendy West. "Technical Services Interest Group."  Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA), Purchase, NY, June 2015.

Nous, Rebecca, Wendy West. "Go Team! Using Teams to Manage Electronic Resources." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Eastern New York Chapter, Association of College & Research Libraries (ENY/ACRL), Binghamton, NY, May 2015.

Mugridge, Rebecca, Nancy Poehlmann, Wendy West, Katherine Latal. "Internal Customer Service Assessment of Cataloging, Acquisitions, and Library Systems." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA) Purchase, NY, June 2015.

Wiedeman, Gregory

Presenter & Author

Wiedeman, Gregory. "Effective Metadata Systems for Archives: EAD and Unified Collection Management Systems."  Paper presented at the Annual New York Archives Conference (NYAC), Fredonia, NY, June 2015.

Wolfe, Mark D.

Presenter & Author

Wolfe, Mark D. "Archival Complexity: What Are Its Effects on the Sustainability of Archival Institutions?" Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archivists (SAA), Washington, DC, August 2014.

Wolfe, Mark D. "Speed Mentoring." Paper presented at the Annual New York Archives Conference (NYAC), Fredonia, NY, June 2015

Faculty Presentations University at Albany Libraries July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014

The faculty of the University at Albany Libraries made the following presentations at professional conferences, seminars and workshops during FY13-14:

Alonso-Regalado, Jesus

Alonso-Regalado, Jesus Pinho, Patricia Toscano, Paul J., Jacobson, Trudi E. SUNYLA/Empire Collaborations, "Incorporating Information Literacy in the Majors: New Roles for Librarians." SUNYLA, University at Albany. (June 12, 2014).

Anderson, Carol L.

Presenter & Author
Kessler, Jane, Anderson, Carol, SUNYLA 2014: Empire Collaborations, "Reference Resources in SUNY Libraries: Future Empire Collaborations?" State University of New York Librarians Association, Albany, NY. (June 12, 2014).

Boyle, Jodi

Boyle, Jodi, SUNYLA 2014, "Trash or Treasure? Gifts-in-Kind Practices Among New York State Libraries." SUNY Libraries, University at Albany. (June 12, 2014).

Presenter & Author
Boyle, Jodi
Mid-Atlantic Archives Conference Spring Meeting, "NYEAD." Mid-Atlantic Archives Conference, Rochester, NY. (April 25, 2014).

Boyle, Jodi, Mid-Atlantic Archives Conference Fall Meeting, "Shhh...Is it a Secret?" Mid-Atlantic Archives Conference, Philadelphia, PA. (November 9, 2013).

Boyle, Jodi, Sigma Pi Phi, Beta Psi Boule Soiree, "Tour and Overview of the ME Grenander Department of Special Collections & Archives." Sigma Pi Phi, Beta Psi Boule, University at Albany. (October 17, 2013).

Brown, Karen E.

Presenter & Author
Brown, Karen, Paperback Book Repair, "Paperback Book Repair." Preservation Dept., SL 310. (March 29, 2014).

Brown, Karen, ALA Virtual Pre-Conference, ALA Annual, "Library Preservation Today! An Introduction." ALCTS, Online. (June 16, 2014).

Brown, Karen, Lunch and Learn Workshops, "In-House Book & Paper Repair." Capital Area Library Assistants, CDLC, Albany NY. (June 9, 2014).

Brown, Karen, Amigos Preservation Back to Basics Conference, "In-House Book & Paper Repair." Amigos, Online. (September 19, 2013).

Brown, Karen, Preservation Week Webinars, "Low-Cost Ways to Preserve Family Archives." American Library Association/Archival Products, Online. (April 29, 2014).

Brown, Karen, Staff and Community Training, "Mold in the Libraries." Preservation Dept., Universiy Library, Cobb Room. (November 13, 2013).

Brown, Karen, Community Workshop, "Mold in the Libraries." Colgate University, Hamilton, NY. (July 17, 2013).

Chen, Yu-Hui

Presenter & Author
Chen, Yu-Hui, ALA 2014 Annual Conference, "Connecting First Year Students with the Library Web Portal via an Information Literacy Course." American Libraries Association, Las Vegas, NV. (June 28, 2014).

Chen, Yu-Hui, SUNYLA 2014 Annual Conference, "An IL-integrated Gen Ed Course and Students’ Continued Use of the University Libraries’ Web Portal." State University of New York Librarians Association, University at Albany, Albany, NY. (June 13, 2014).

Chen, Yu-Hui, Germain, Carol A., Rorissa, Abebe, Computers in Libraries 2014 Annual Conference, "Web Design & Usability." Washington, D.C. (April 8, 2014).

Chen, Yu-Hui, VanUllen, Mary, New England Library Instruction Group Annual Program, "Teaching Across Difference." New England Library Instruction Group, UMass Dartmouth, North Dartmouth, MA. (June 6, 2014).

Cheney, Debora

Presenter & Author
Cheney, Debora, World Library and Information Conference (Singapore), "Text Mining Newspapers and News Content: New Trends and Research Methodologies." IFLA (The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), Singapore. (August 20, 2013).

Cheney, Debora, Newspapers to the People, "The Campus Newspaper—From Newspaper to Digital Archive--the Libraries’ Role and Responsibilities." Newspaper Section Satellite Conference, IFLA (The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), Singapore. (August 14, 2013).

Ernye, Jessica G

Presenter & Author
Ernye, Jessica, Mitchell, David, SUNYLA 2014: Empire Collaborations, "Against Speed Dating: Collaboration in Cataloging an Historical Collection." State University of New York Library Association, SUNY Albany. (June 13, 2014).

Germain, Carol A.

Presenter & Author
Chen, Yu-Hui, Germain, Carol A., Rorissa, Abebe, Computers in Libraries 2014 Annual Conference, "Web Design & Usability." Washington, D.C. (April 8, 2014).

Germain, Carol A., ENY/ACRL Spring Conference, "Starting Down the Path of Quality Library Instruction – First Year Library Experiences that Work throughout College." ENY/ACRL, Oswego, NY. (May 19, 2014).

Germain, Carol A., Setting Out on the Right Path: Academic Libraries and the First Year Experience, "Opportunity for a Unique Population: The 1st Year Experience for EOP Students." ENY/ACRL, Oswego, NY. (May 19, 2014).

Germain, Carol A., University Libraries Professional Activities Committee, "Poster Poster." University Libraries Professional Activities Committee, University Libraries. (May 6, 2014).

Germain, Carol A., "The Right Mix: Connecting Students to Library Resources.” Gale Cengage, Online. (January 10, 2014).

Germain, Carol A., Qaimari, Nadir, 33rd Annual Charleston Conference, "Marketing Academic Library Resources: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.” Charleston, South Carolina. (November 6, 2013).

Goldstein, Jeff

Presenter & Author
Stanwicks, Kabel Nathan, Goldstein, Jeff, ExLibris Northeast User Group (ENUG) Meeting 2013, "Implementing a Records Management Program Using Aleph." ENUG, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. (October 11, 2013).

Gouldin, Cary

Gouldin, Cary, Simkovic, Abigail F., Empire Collaborations/SUNYLA 2014, "Pinning Down the Reader: Reader Advisory through Social Media at the University at Albany​." SUNYLA, NY3Rs, NYLA, University at Albany. (June 12, 2014).

Holden, Irina I.

Presenter & Author
Holden, Irina I., STS-IL (ACRl Science and Technology Section, Information Literacy Committee) monthly web discussions, "First-year Experience: Challenges and Opportunities for STEM Librarians." ACRL, online.

Holden, Irina I., First National Personal Librarian & First Year Experience Library Conference, "Two-Dimensional View of Teaching a First Year Experience Course as a Librarian and an Instructor of Record." Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. (April 8, 2014)

Holden, Irina I., ENY/ACRL brown bag discussion on MOOCs, ENY/ACRL, University at Albany. (October 30, 2013).

Jacobson, Trudi E.

Alonso-Regalado, Jesus, Pinho, Patricia, Toscano, Paul J., Jacobson, Trudi E., SUNYLA/Empire Collaborations, "Incorporating Information Literacy in the Majors: New Roles for Librarians." SUNYLA, University at Albany. (June 12, 2014).

Presenter & Author
Jacobson, Trudi E., Mackey, Thomas P., Metaliteracy: Reinventing Information Literacy to Empower Learners, ALA Webinar, Online. (June 25, 2014).

Jacobson, Trudi E., Mackey, Thomas P., Our New Frontier: Metaliteracy Threshold Concepts, New Standards and Other Wild Ideas, "Crossing the Threshoid: Envisioning Information Literacy Through the Lens of Metaliteracy." Connecticut Library Association, Manchester Community College, Manchester CT. (June 13, 2014).

Jacobson, Trudi E., Our New Frontier: Metaliteracy Threshold Concepts, New Standards and Other Wild Ideas, "Threshold Concepts: Exploring the Potential and the Challenges." Connecticut Library Association, Manchester Community College, Manchester CT. (June 13, 2014).

Jacobson, Trudi E., Information Literacy Assessment Expo, "Using the Draft ACRL Framework to Enhance Student Learning." Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. (May 29, 2014).

Jacobson, Trudi E., Transforming Learning: Libraries and Higher Education, "Metaliteracy, Badging, and Disciplinary Integrations." Committee on Institutional Cooperation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. (May 23, 2014).

Jacobson, Trudi E., Gibson, J. C., WILU 2014, "Keynote Address," Workshop on Instruction in Library Use. Western University, London, Ontario. (May 21, 2014).

Jacobson, Trudi E., Gibson, J. C., Celebrate! Teaching, Learning, Research, "Update on a Paradigm Shift: The New Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education." West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. (May 7, 2014).

Jacobson, Trudi E., LILAC Information Literacy Meeting, CUNY Libraries, New York, NY. (March 11, 2014).

Jacobson, Trudi E., Information Literacy Workshop for CT Librarians, "Metaliteracy: What is it? Why use it?" Trinity College, Trinity College, Hartford, CT. (January 14, 2014).

Mackey, Thomas P., Jacobson, Trudi E., A SUNY Conversation in the Disciplines, "Developing Metaliterate Learners: Transforming Literacy Across Disciplines." SUNY Conference on Instruction and Technology, Empire State College, Saratoga Springs, NY. (December 13, 2013).

Kearney, Ann

Presenter & Author
Kearney, Ann, the American Library Association Annual Meeting, "The National Death Penalty Archives Conservation Challenges." The American Library Association, Las Vegas, Nevada. (June 29, 2014).

Keough, Brian

Presenter & Author
Keough, Brian, Society of American Archivists (SAA) Annual Conference, "“The Ownership and Value of Elected Officials' Papers for the Study of the Civil Rights Movement.” New Orleans, LA. (August 17, 2013).

Keough, Brian, New York Archives Conference (NYAC), "The Archive Has Been Subpoenaed! Use of Primary Sources in Legal Proceedings." Binghamton University. (June 5, 2014).

Keough, Brian, Society of American Archivists (SAA), "Working with Members of Congress to Acquire Their Papers.” New Orleans, LA, (August 14, 2013).

Kessler, Jane

Presenter & Author
Kessler, Jane, VanUllen, Mary, SUNYLA 2014: Empire Collaborations, "Citations: There's an App for That!" State University of New York Librarians Association, Albany, NY. (June 12, 2014).

Kessler, Jane, Anderson, Carol, SUNYLA 2014: Empire Collaborations, "Reference Resources in SUNY Libraries: Future Empire Collaborations?" State University of New York Librarians Association, Albany, NY. (June 12, 2014).

Lasda Bergman, Elaine

Presenter & Author
Lasda Bergman, Elaine, Webinar, "Social Work Research for Alumni." Dewey Graduate Library, Online. (May 15, 2014).

Lasda Bergman, Elaine, University Library, "Achieving the Impossible with Productivity Tools," University Library Professional Activities Committee, University at Albany Libraries. (April 3, 2014).

Lasda Bergman, Elaine, Data 101, "Data 101: What is Big Data and Why Should We Care?" Special Libraries Association Social Science Division, online. (March 6, 2014).

Lasda Bergman, Elaine, Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, "Bionic Info Pro: New Takes on an Old Theme." Special Libraries Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (June 9, 2014).

Lasda Bergman, Elaine, Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, "Bibliometric Resources: Oldies, Goodies, and Freebies!" Special Libraries Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (June 8, 2014).

Lasda Bergman, Elaine, New York Library Association Annual Conference, "Advocacy Within Your Library Organization." New York Library Association, Saratoga Springs, NY. (September 26, 2013).

Mugridge, Rebecca L.

Mugridge, Rebecca, American Library Association Annual Conference, "CaMMS Forum: Translating BIBFRAME." Association for Library Collections & Technical Services CaMMS Forum, Las Vegas, NV. (June 29, 2014).

Mugridge, Rebecca, American Library Association Midwinter Conference, "CaMMS Forum on BIBFRAME." Association for Library Collections & Technical Services CaMMS Forum, Philadelphia, PA. (January 26, 2014).

Presenter & Author
Mugridge, Rebecca, Poehlmann, Nancy, SUNYLA 2014, "Assessment Strategies for Technical Services." SUNY Librarians' Association, Albany, NY. (June 12, 2014).

Mugridge, Rebecca, ALCTS Online Webinar, "Assessment Strategies for Cataloging Managers." Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, Online. (November 20, 2013).

Nous, Rebecca

Presenter & Author
Nous, Rebecca, Seidlinger, Kate, West, Wendy, State University of New York Librarians Association Conference, "Read Between the Lines: Marketing Graphic Novels." State University of New York Librarians Association, Albany, NY. (June 12, 2014).

Poehlmann, Nancy

Poehlmann, Nancy, Zajkowski, Maureen, Horn, Marguerite, Muha, Marianne, Rhodes, Angela, McCoy, Kevin, SUNY Librarians Association, "One Bib to Rule Them All – SUNY One Bib / Shared Catalog Project." SUNYLA, University at Albany. (June 12, 2014).

Presenter & Author
Mugridge, Rebecca, Poehlmann, Nancy, SUNYLA 2014, "Assessment Strategies for Technical Services," SUNY Librarians' Association, Albany, NY. (June 12, 2014).

Poehlmann, Nancy, 49th International Medieval Congress, "Illustrative Matter: Christine de Pizan’s Othéa in manuscript and print held by the Pierpont Morgan Library." Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan. (May 9, 2014).

Stanwicks, Kabel

Presenter & Author
Stanwicks, Kabel Nathan, SUNY Librarians Association (SUNYLA) 2014 (Empire Collaborations), "Assessment Tools for Online Courses and Programs." SUNYLA, University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY. (June 13, 2014).

Stanwicks, Kabel Nathan, CCI Day, "Social Tagging as a Validation Tool for the FRBR Conceptual Model." College of Computing & Information, University at Albany, University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY. (April 30, 2014).

Stanwicks, Kabel Nathan, Goldstein, Jeff, ExLibris Northeast User Group (ENUG) Meeting 2013, "Implementing a Records Management Program Using Aleph." ENUG, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. (October 11, 2013).

Stanwicks, Kabel Nathan, Phillips, Jennifer, SUNY Learning Network Instructional Designers Webinar, "A Course Review: The Efficacy of a Massive Open Online Course." SUNY Learning Network, Online. (January 14, 2014).

Sweeney, Mike

Presenter & Author
Sweeney, Michael, 36th Annual NYSLAA Conference, "Working with the Cloud." New York State Library Assistants´ Association, Saratoga, NY. (June 6, 2014).

VanUllen, Mary

Presenter & Author
Kessler, Jane, VanUllen, Mary, SUNYLA 2014: Empire Collaborations, "Citations: There's an App for That!" State University of New York Librarians Association, Albany, NY. (June 12, 2014).

Chen, Yu-Hui, VanUllen, Mary, New England Library Instruction Group Annual Program, "Teaching Across Difference." New England Library Instruction Group, UMass Dartmouth, North Dartmouth, MA. (June 6, 2014).

West, Wendy L.

Presenter & Author
West, Wendy, Empire Collaborations (SUNYLA 2014), "Tag, you’re it: Enhancing Access to Graphic Novels." NY3Rs/ New York Library Association - Academic & Special Libraries Section and State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA), University at Albany. (June 12, 2014).

Nous, Rebecca, Seidlinger, Kate, West, Wendy, State University of New York Librarians Association Conference, "Read Between the Lines: Marketing Graphic Novels." State University of New York Librarians Association, Albany, NY. (June 12, 2014).

Williams, Geoffrey

Presenter & Author
Williams, Geoffrey, SUNY Records Management Conference, “Making Your Archives an Indispensable Administrative and Research Tool." SUNY Central Administration, Empire State College, Saratoga Springs. (October 24, 2013).

Wolfe, Mark D.

Presenter & Author
Wolfe, Mark D. Empire Collaborations (2014), "Long-Term Preservation of Digital Objects: Developing a Plan without Losing Your Mind." SUNYLA, Albany, NY. (June 12, 2014).

Wolfe, Mark D., New York Archives Conference (2014), "Speed Mentoring." Binghamton, NY. (June 5, 2014).

Wolfe, Mark D., New York Archives Conference (2014), "From Dust to Digital." Binghamton, NY. (June 4, 2014).

Faculty Presentations University at Albany Libraries July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013

The faculty of the University at Albany Libraries made the following presentations at professional conferences, seminars and workshops during FY12-13:

Alonso-Regalado, Jesus

Alonso-Regalado, Jesus, Connecting in the 21st Century: The Future of Technology for Library Assistants. Spring 2013 Workshop, "Reaching Out—Sharing Information and Connecting with Students and Faculty Using Facebook," Capital Area Library Assistants (CALA), Albany, NY. (April 15, 2013).

Alonso-Regalado, Jesus, SALALM LVIII Conference, "Acquisition Trips for the Academic Library: a Luxury for the Digital Age?," Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, Coral Gables, FL. (May 21, 2013).

Alonso-Regalado, Jesus, SALALM LVIII Conference, "Making Book Fairs Friendlier through Technology," Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, Coral Gables, FL. (May 21, 2013).

Anderson, Carol L.

Anderson, Carol, 2013 Annual Conference: Communities in the Cloud, the Commons, and the College!, "Utilizing the Departmental iPad as a Transformative Community Building Tool," Association of College and Research Libraries, New England Chapter, College of the Holy Cross, Hogan Campus Center, Worcester, MA. (May 10, 2013).

Bobish, Gregory D.

Jacobson, Trudi E., Mackey, Thomas, Bobish, Gregory D., Transliteracy from Cradle to Career, "Metaliteracy in Practice: 'Metaliteracy sounds great but how do I teach it?', " 3Ts: Transliteracy, Technology, Teaching, Saratoga Springs, NY. (March 15, 2013).

Bobish, Gregory D., Capital District Business Librarians Meeting, "Which is more APPropriate: Ebsco e-book reader or ebrary?," Capital District Business Librarians, Colonie Public Library. (June 19, 2013).

Jacobson, Trudi E., Mackey, Thomas, Bobish, Gregory D., "Information Literacy as Meta Literacy: Responding to Challenges of Social Media," NYLA, Saratoga Springs, NY. (November 8, 2012).

Jacobson, Trudi E, Bobish, Gregory D., ACRL Webcast, "A New Model for Student Learning: Using Team-based Learning in Information Literacy Courses.," ACRL, Virtual. (October 4, 2012).

Boyle, Jodi

Boyle, Jodi, Researching New York, "Using Archives to Explore the Camp Woodland Origins of Pete Seeger’s ‘Guantanamera’ and More," University at Albany, Department of History, University at Albany. (November 16, 2012).

Chen, Yu-Hui

Chen, Yu-Hui, American Library Association Annual Conference, "Swaying Undergraduates from Google to the Library Web Portal: Testing the Power of Credit-bearing Information Literacy Courses," Chicago, IL. (June 29, 2013).

Germain, Carol A.

Germain, Carol A. Loney, Tor J., Pardavila, John, State University of New York Librarians Association Annual Conference, "IL Fox -- The Information Literacy Virtual Toolbook -- Research Process," State University of New York Librarians Association, Buffalo, New York. (June 14, 2013).

Germain, Carol A., Loney, Tor J., Pardavila, John, State University of New York Librarians Association Annual Conference., "IL Fox – The Information Literacy Virtual Toolbook – Research Process," State University of New York Librarians Association, Buffalo, New York. (May 22, 2013).

Germain, Carol A., Loney, Tor J., Pardavila, John, New York Librarians Association Annual Conference, "“IL Fox – The Virtual Toolbook for Information Literacy Initial Research.”," New York Librarians Association, Saratoga, New York.. (November 9, 2012).

Germain, Carol A., Frost, Nanette, Ryan, Jennifer, Cangialosi, Kristin, Knibloe., Stacey, State University of New York Librarians Association Annual Conference, "Faculty, Students, & Library Instruction: The Quest for Usage," State University of New York Librarians Association, Buffalo, NY. (June 14, 2013).

Germain, Carol A., Loney, Tor J., Pardavila, John, State University of New York Librarians Association Annual Conference, "Digital Keys, Dancing Pigs Problem, Emoji – IL Fox Needs Your Expertise," State University of New York Librarians Association, Buffalo, New York.. (June 13, 2013).

Jacobson, Trudi E.

Jacobson, Trudi E., Forte, Michele, O'Keeffe, Emer, Transformation in Higher Education: Sharing Ideas and Showing Results, "Building the Transliteracy Learning Collaborative: Challenges and Promise," SUNY Conference on Instruction and Technology, Utica, NY. (May 23, 2013).

Jacobson, Trudi E., Mackey, Thomas), "What’s in a Name?: Information Literacy, Metaliteracy, or Transliteracy," Association of College and Research Libraries, Indianapolis, IN. (April 11, 2013).

Jacobson, Trudi E., Mackey, Thomas, Bobish, Gregory D., Transliteracy from Cradle to Career, "Metaliteracy in Practice: 'Metaliteracy sounds great but how do I teach it?'," 3Ts: Transliteracy, Technology, Teaching, Saratoga Springs, NY. (March 15, 2013).

Jacobson, Trudi E., Libraries, Librarians & Literacies: Information Literacy in Context, "What a Wonderful World: What Team-based Learning Brings to Metaliteracy Instruction," NELIG: New England Library Instruction Group (of ACRL), Hanover, NH. (June 21, 2013).

Jacobson, Trudi E., Transitions in Learning: Preparing Engaged Students for the E-Learning Environment, "Team-Based Learning for Metaliteracy Instruction," SOCHE: Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education, Dayton, OH. (May 8, 2013).

Jacobson, Trudi E., Mackey, Thomas, Bobish, Gregory D., "Information Literacy as Meta Literacy: Responding to Challenges of Social Media," NYLA, Saratoga Springs, NY. (November 8, 2012).

Keynote/Plenary Address
Mackey, Thomas P., Jacobson, Trudi E., Libraries, Librarians & Literacies: Information Literacy in Context, "Reimagining Information Literacy as a Metaliteracy: Empowering Learners for Participation, Collaboration, and Reflection," NELIG: New England Library Instruction Group (of ACRL), Hanover, NH. (June 21, 2013).

Keynote/Plenary Address
Jacobson, Trudi E., Mackey, Thomas, Transitions in Learning: Preparing Engaged Students for the E-Learning Environment, "Reinventing Information Literacy as a Metaliteracy," SOCHE: Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education, Dayton, OH. (May 8, 2013).

Jacobson, Trudi E., Loney, Tor J., Capital Area School Library Systems Council and Coordinators Meetings, "Information Literacy Instruction," Capital Area School Library Systems, Castleton, NY. (December 6, 2012).

Jacobson, Trudi E. Bobish, Gregory D., ACRL Webcast, "A New Model for Student Learning: Using Team-based Learning in Information Literacy Courses.," ACRL, Virtual. (October 4, 2012).

Kearney, Ann

Kearney, Ann, American Institute for Conservation Annual Meeting, "Conservation Conversations: Surrogate Creation and the Private Collector," American Institute for Conservation, Indianapolis, Indiana. (May 31, 2013).

Kearney, Ann, Reaching and Teaching Through Material Culture, "Distance Learning for Conservation Continuing Education," Winterthur Museum, Wilmington, Delaware. (September 29, 2012).

Keough, Brian

Keough, Brian, Researching New York Conference, "Maximum Feasible Conflict: The Implementation of the Community Action Program in Rochester, New York, 1964-1967," University at Albany. (November 16, 2012).

Keough, Brian, Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC), “Publish and Prosper: Tenure and Scholarship for Academic Archivists," Richmond, VA. (October 26, 2012).

LaFond, Deborah

LaFond, Deborah, Annual meeting of the African Studies Association, "Women's Processes in Knowledge Production and Activism at the African Studies Association's panel entitled Reframing Boundaries of Gender and Sexual Politics," Philadelphia. (November 30, 2012).

Lasda Bergman, Elaine

Lasda Bergman, Elaine, Annual Conference, "Bibliometrics 101," New York Library Association, Saratoga Springs, NY. (November 9, 2012).

Lasda Bergman, Elaine, April Meeting, "Facebook for Professional Development," Capital Area Library Assistants, Albany, NY. (April 15, 2013).

Lasda Bergman, Elaine, SUNYLA Webinar, "EBSCO Discovery Service at University at Albany Libraries," State University of New York Librarians' Association, online. (January 18, 2013).

Loney, Tor J.

Germain, Carol A., Loney, Tor J., Pardavila, John, State University of New York Librarians Association Annual Conference, "IL Fox --The Information Literacy Virtual Toolbook -- Research Process," State University of New York Librarians Association, Buffalo, New York. (June 14, 2013).

Germain, Carol A., Loney, Tor J., Pardavila, John, State University of New York Librarians Association Annual Conference., "IL Fox – The Information Literacy Virtual Toolbook – Research Process," State University of New York Librarians Association, Buffalo, New York. (May 22, 2013).

Germain, Carol A., Loney, Tor J., Pardavila, John, New York Librarians Association Annual Conference, "“IL Fox – The Virtual Toolbook for Information Literacy Initial Research," New York Librarians Association, Saratoga, New York. (November 9, 2012).

Loney, Tor J., Open Access Week Event, "Institutional Repositories & Open Access," ENY/ACRL & University at Albany Libraries, University at Albany. (October 23, 2012).

Jacobson, Trudi E., Loney, Tor J., Capital Area School Library Systems Council and Coordinators Meetings, "Information Literacy Instruction," Capital Area School Library Systems, Castleton, NY.

Loney, Tor J., Career Services Event, "’The Real World’: Debunking the Myths," University at Albany Office of Career Services, University at Albany. (December 5, 2012).

Loney, Tor J., John E. Burton Distinguished Public Service Awards Ceremony, "Panel Discussion," University at Albany College of Computing and Information, University at Albany. (September 20, 2012).

Loney, Tor J., Making the Most of your MSIS Internship, "Panel Discussion," University at Albany Department of Information Studies, University at Albany. (September 12, 2012).

Germain, Carol A., Loney, Tor J., Pardavila, John, State University of New York Librarians Association Annual Conference, "Digital Keys, Dancing Pigs Problem, Emoji – IL Fox Needs Your Expertise," State University of New York Librarians Association, Buffalo, New York.. (June 13, 2013).

McLaughlin, Jean

McLaughlin, Jean, ENY/ACRL Spring Conference 2013, "The Evolving Language of User Experience," ENY/ACRL, Albany, NY. (May 20, 2013).

Mugridge, Rebecca L.

Mugridge, Rebecca, ALA Annual Conference, "Technical Services Assessment in Pennsylvania Academic Libraries," American Library Association ALCTS Affiliate Relations Committee, Chicago, IL. (June 29, 2013).

Mugridge, Rebecca, PaLA Annual Conference, "Technical Services Assessment in Pennsylvania Academic Libraries," Pennsylvania Library Association College and Research Division and Technical Services Round Table, Gettysburg, PA. (September 30, 2012).

Mugridge, Rebecca, ALA Midwinter Conference, "Assessment in Practice," American Library Association ALCTS CaMMS Heads of Cataloging Interest Group, Seattle, WA. (January 28, 2013).

Pardavila, John J.

Germain, Carol A., Loney, Tor J., Pardavila, John, State University of New York Librarians Association Annual Conference, "IL Fox -- The Information Literacy Virtual Toolbook -- Research Process," State University of New York Librarians Association, Buffalo, New York.. (June 14, 2013).

Germain, Carol A., Loney, Tor J., Pardavila, John, State University of New York Librarians Association Annual Conference., "IL Fox – The Information Literacy Virtual Toolbook – Research Process," State University of New York Librarians Association, Buffalo, New York. (May 22, 2013).

Germain, Carol A., Loney, Tor J., Pardavila, John, New York Librarians Association Annual Conference, "“IL Fox – The Virtual Toolbook for Information Literacy Initial Research," New York Librarians Association, Saratoga, New York. (November 9, 2012).

Germain, Carol A., Loney, Tor J., Pardavila, John, State University of New York Librarians Association Annual Conference, "Digital Keys, Dancing Pigs Problem, Emoji – IL Fox Needs Your Expertise," State University of New York Librarians Association, Buffalo, New York. (June 13, 2013).

Poehlmann, Christian

Poehlmann, Christian, SUNYLA 2013, "Developing a System-Wide Metaliteracy Collaborative Creating a Unified Vision of Metaliteracy Across the SUNY System," SUNYLA, Buffalo State, Buffalo New York. (June 14, 2013).

VanUllen, Mary

VanUllen, Mary, To App or Not to App: Serving Our Mobile Users, "Citation Management Apps," Capital District Business Librarian, Colonie, NY. (June 19, 2013).

West, Wendy L.

West, Wendy, American Library Association 2013 Annual Conference, ALCTS CaMMS Cataloging & Classification Research Interest Group, "Tag, you’re it: Enhancing access to graphic novels," American Library Association, Chicago, Il. (June 30, 2013).

Williams, Geoffrey

Williams, Geoffrey, ENY/ARCL Conference, ""Guided Tour of Hawley Building Art & History"." (May 20, 2013).